Wish (Chapter 17)

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No spoilers or TWs but I have too many pics of Draken on my phone so Mitsuya is the cover for today <33

"Does this look nice?" Asks (Y/N). Hinata sits on her bed watching (Y/N) try on clothing.

"Yes! This is the fifth outfit I've told you looks nice!" Exclaims Hinata. She shakes her head, "You look great now just pick an outfit."

"Fine!" (Y/N) stares in the mirror for a few moments at herself. "Can you choose—?"

"Oh my God, just wear that one." Says Hinata, gesturing to what (Y/N) is already wearing. (Y/N) takes a deep breath, nodding. The doorbell rings and Hinata jumps up, "I'll get it!"

"Hey! Wait!"

Hinata runs out of (Y/N)'s room and to the door. She pulls it open quickly. "Heya, Draken-Kun!"

"Hina-Chan? Is (Y/N)—"

"Hinata, move out of the way!" Shouts (Y/N) as she pushes Hinata. She's surprised, not to see Draken, but the bundle of roses in his hand. "Wow"

"Thought you might like this." Darken holds out the flowers.

"Thank you!" Exclaims (Y/N). "Hinata, put these in my room." (Y/N) says as she hands Hinata the bouquet of roses. "If you drop them then I'll murder you."

"I won't, don't worry." Hinata says with an eye roll. "Have fun!" She says before leaving. (Y/N) steps out of the apartment. They walk down the stairs of the apartment complex in silence. What should (Y/N) say?

"You look pretty today, (Y/N)-Chan." Says Draken. (Y/N) looks up at him and he looks back down at her.

"Thank you, Ken-Kun."





"What the fuck." Draken says. They are standing in front of a vending machine and (Y/N) is lipbiting at Draken while he tries to buy a drink.

"Was that attractive?" Asks (Y/N). She grins.

"No." Darken says, shaking his head. "If you had done that yesterday then I would have cancelled our date on the spot."

"Would you have really done that?" Asks (Y/N).

"No, but I would have considered it." Darken says. He smiles at her, grabbing the water out of the vending machine and placing it in his pockets.

"You got some big ass pockets. Too bad they don't sell tomato juice here, could have put some of that in there—"

"When will you actually shut the fuck up about that?" Asks Draken. He shakes his head. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No thanks."

"I'm not going to let you have any of my water." Says Draken. "I don't know when we'll have the chance to get anymore drinks."

"I'll be fine." (Y/N) says confidently. Draken gives her a doubtful look before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the event he had decided for them to come to. (Y/N) can get an areal view since they are standing up on a hill. It looked like an outdoor market. There are little stands selling different things dotted around the area. Lights hang from trees and poles. "There has to be a shop in there selling water."

"You'd be surprised." Says Draken. They walk down the hill and through the plaza. Occasionally they would stop at certain shops to look at what they sold.

"Hey, look at this." Says (Y/N). She pulls him towards the shop that has caught her eye. There are small packets of flavorings. "Tomato—."

"I will literally go home right now." Draken says, yanking his hand out of (Y/N)' s.

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