Stories and Surprises: Antoine x (Y/N)

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A/N: Welcome back to my imagines book. This is the last edition of the trilogy I will be working on while I am working on the Portwell story too. Please don't spam comments with requests.

*Requested by: @agotzmann 

Context: Lily and Antoine are filming the Beauty and the Beast ad for Instagram from ep 6ish and 7. (imagine Antoine speaking with his accent in this)

(Y/N/N)= nickname


Antoine's POV:

It's 5 pm on a school day and I'm still stuck at the theater with this Lily girl who is actually kind of a what do they call jerk in America? I haven't learned the word yet even though I've been in Utah for two years since transferring. Anyways, Im hungry and miss my girlfriend because we have Friday date nights. I'm stuck here filming this ad for this show I'm in till its complete.

"Antoineyyyy, stop staring at your phone and get in place! I want to go home as much as you do. I don't know why Mr. Roy is making us film this ad after school," Lily groaned as she snapped me out of my trance but leaned of to look at my phone because what did I say earlier she's a bitch.

"Oohh who's the pretty girl on your screen?" Lily reached over to double tap the image of (y/n) and I that she posted on her account a minute ago.

"Hey! I was gonna like her post myself," I grabbed my phone and sat down on the stage looking at my Lumiere script that I hadn't touched tonight.

Lily instinctively sat down beside me since Mr. Roy was out of the room and grabbed my phone again scrolling through (Y/N's) Instagram feed.

"I'll give you your phone back once you tell me who your crushing on instead of helping me rehearse," Lily kept scrolling through the posts and distancing herself from me.

Gee I hate her sometimes.

"She's my girlfriend. Now give me my phone back!" (Imagine a deep french angry accent)

Lily scooted back to where I was sitting and placed my phone back in my lap gently as if she was sorry. She kept staring at me as if I was gonna say something nice to her next. Weird.

"Since Mr. Roy won't be back for another 15 minutes tell me about her. You seem a bit down today during rehearsals and we aren't even finished," Lily nudged my shoulder as I opened my phone to glance at my phone background with (Y/N) and I at the airport when I went back to France for spring break this year.

"Gosh, I miss her so much" I mumbled as I locked my phone again.

"What's her name? How did you meet? Sorry if I seem snoopy and like a bitch I just don't have anything to talk about besides rehearsal right now," Lily sighed picking my chin up with her finger since I was frowning again.

"Her name is (Y/N) but I call her (Y/N/N). We met at that Publik coffee shop you introduced me to when I transferred here two years ago. Oh and she goes to West high but I don't mind the friendly competition. Sorry if I ramble a lot, its a bad habit. She was in line ordering a drink and she forgot her wallet. I uh kind of paid for her and she noticed my accent. We kinda just chatted from there and exchanged numbers. She's really nice. I think you'd like her if you two met sometime," I rambled on even though I was probably boring Lily.

"Wow, she seems like a nice person. So why are you missing her so much if she just lives across the county?" Lily seemed to be interested in my story about (Y/N) and I's relationship. Wow.

"She's in her school's production of Ariel the Little Mermaid and she got the lead. You can probably imagine how busy she is since you are kind of the lead here," I pointed at the stage that we were sitting on.

I forgot to mention to Lily that I haven't seen (Y/N) in two weeks and that's a long time since we usually have Friday date nights.

"Aww I'm sorry for bugging you and calling you Antoineyyy. I promise I won't do it again. I can't imagine being a transfer exchange student and being in a sorta long distance relationship. That must be hard," Lily gives me a compassionate look before she stands up from her place again with her script.

"Turn that frown upside down. Let's finish recording this so we can go home and you call (Y/N)," Lily handed me my script and winked at me. Weird again.

I don't know why she was winking at me. Was this some American thing I never learned?

"Ok fine. I don't know where Mr. Roy went but I just want to get this video filmed and I am starving," I sighed as I picked up my script and fixed my candle lights on my costume.

Lily hit record on the phone camera that was on the desk and got back into place. I did a small fake smile and watched as Lily said her lines perfectly while I waited for my cue.

"Our candles are real and our hearts are pure," I sighed and then put my costume candles down in tiredness and defeat.

"Ok perfect. I'll just clip out the part of the video we don't need and then post it with a comment. Go talk to your girl," Lily nudged my shoulder and pointed to someone sitting in the audience who I didn't notice earlier.

"(Y/N)!" I ran down the isle through the audience's seats to find her.

As we approached each other inches apart, she seemed like she was speechless but in reality I was speechless because I have only seen her face over Facetime in the past few days. So, I did the best thing possible and kissed her right there in the middle isle of the theater and squeezed onto her hand so tight I'd never let go.

"Ahem," I hear Lily cough from the stage as we let go of the kiss.

"Oh sorry you had to see that. Lily this is (Y/N) my girlfriend. (Y/N) this is my friend Lily she's playing Belle in the school musical," I held onto her hand and walked over to the stage so she could meet Lily.

"I saw (Y/N) come in when we started filming our final shot. I just winked at you and thought you'd pick up the cue but I guess that's not a french thing. Nice to meet you (Y/N). He doesn't stop talking about you by the way," Lily hit my arm playfully making me blush and then picked up her backpack to leave the theater.

As I reach out for my backpack to put my put script and other belongings in it, (Y/N) doesn't seem to let go of my hand and gives me another kiss on the lips.

"Antoine, I rode the bus all the way to the other side of the county can we get pizza like we usually do and have a movie night at my place?" (Y/N) whined while I kept putting things in my bag.

"Of course. I missed you so much and our date nights (Y/N/N)," I kiss her back as we walk to my car in the junior parking lot.

After sharing a pepperoni pizza and brownie together, we decided to head back to (Y/N)'s house and catch up and cuddle instead of have a movie night. We missed each other too much and she seemed a bit clingy and anxious since she was stressed about playing Ariel.

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