Let's have fun in the sun (Portwell x Lily)

648 14 10

Prompt: EHS and NHS have a pool party, Lily flirts with EJ, Gina gets jealous

requested by madships



Today was the day of our East High Drama Club end of year pool party and apparently Carlos was hosting it. I thought it would be at his house since he's so rich, but no we had to have it at the Utah Community Swim Center. It stinks like chlorine here and there are children on the other side of the pool.

"Remind me again why we have to have our summer pool party at the community pool instead of Carlos' private pool?" I turned to my cousin Ashlyn who was applying sun screen lotion to her face since we were outside.

"Because Carlos' mom is having her book club this weekend and they are using their pool and deck since it's nice outside," I watched as Ashlyn closed her eyes to apply the cream to the rest of her face.

I sighed in defeat since this was a public pool which meant that anyone could be here. This wasn't exactly what I would call a pool party if their are families and other adults around.

"Could you rub some on my back too? and E.J not everything is about quality. Sometimes you have to accept that others don't have the money to afford a private pool. It's not that big of a deal besides all of our friends are here," Ashlyn handed me the bottle of lotion and turned the opposite direction.

After I finished rubbing the lotion on Ashlyn's back, I finally took my shirt off so that I could go for a swim. I had my shirt on earlier since the girl I loved wasn't here yet, Gina Porter.

"Hey Ash, before you go swimming with Big Red, would you happen to know when Gina is coming?" I tried to be as subtle as I could when talking to my cousin about her best friend.

"Oh she's here I drove here with her. I think she's talking to her mom about summer plans in the Girl's locker room. I'm sure she will be out soon to enjoy the fun too," Ashlyn replied to me with a confident voice as always before winking at me then jumping in the pool with Big Red.

Damn, it must be so hard for her to be without her mom this summer. I haven't even thought of that before.

"Hey hottie, woah someone still has a six pack," I heard a girl laugh from behind where the pool chair I was sitting on.

"Hi again Lily. What are you doing here?" I tried to grab my shirt to put it back on but she grabbed it before i could.

"I am here to swim with my North High friends. We're having a pool party, friendly reminder that it's a community pool for the public. It's not an East High pool. So, why aren't you swimming at all?" Lily dangled my shirt above her head and stared at my abs.

Ugh I hate her.

"I'm waiting for someone," I mumble under my breath as I try to grab my shirt again but she pulled it away from me and of course she has to sit next to me on the same chair I was sitting on.

Ugh. I was saving a spot for Gina and her towel.

"I don't see anyone. Mind if I join you? I really think that you look better now that you've hit the gym more for that Gaston act you played," Lily batted her eyes at me and dangled my shirt over the pool that was a few feet away from us.

"Lily, I said I am waiting for someone. Give me my shirt back!"I screamed a bit too loud.

Of course, right after I screamed the girl I was waiting for had to come out to join the not so fun pool party.

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