Where's Miss Jenn? (sickfic)

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Requested by  red5050

Prompt: Miss Jenn gets sick.


Ashlyn's POV:

Today was the day that Ricky and I were supposed  to show Miss Jenn our much improved waltz for the iconic Beauty and the Beast song, Kourt would be singing. The only problem was that Miss Jenn wasn't in the rehearsal room when we arrived at the rehearsal time, which was half an hour ago. Carlos insisted on waiting for her, but Ricky didn't seem to care as much as I did about the dance and sat on his phone. And there's  currently no sign of Miss Jenn.  I really don't thinks she's coming today at all.

"Is Miss Jenn even in the building?" I exclaimed nervously since I just wanted to get the dance rehearsal over with so that I could cuddle with Biggie in his basement.

"She texted me a minute ago. She said that she has a headache and is taking a short nap. I hope that she's okay. We should go check on her. She's probably in her office," Carlos looked around at the dancers who were on their phones.

"Summer and I will go find her," Ricky stood up from where he was sitting and picked up his backpack too.

Was he ditching us already? He was the other lead, he better come back with Miss Jenn.

"I'm coming too. I am not going to let you leave the building Ricky. It is our responsibility as the leads to get this waltz right. We only have one shot and if we mess up everyone will see. Don't you care? Miss Jenn casted you as the Beast. You should feel happy and excited to have a lead role," I picked up my dance bag and followed him and Summer out the door..

"I never said I was leaving the building Ash," Ricky sighed as he walked ahead of me.

"You don't seem to be taking this waltz rehearsal thing seriously, you stepped on my toe about 10 times in the last week," I scoffed as he walked with Summer by his side.

The two were always together after Ricky and Nini broke up. Summer was a dancer who was in the waltz scene so that is why she was with us but she didn't seem to be bothered whenever Ricky asked her to tag along some place. It was kind of weird. I miss Nini being around the Drama department.

"Summer, can we just order pizza or something from Big Red's place? I'm pretty sure he will give us a free pizza deal since we're stuck in rehearsals. And It's pretty obvious that we're broke high school students and no matter how hard you try to shake the vending machine it won't budge. This is like the fifth time you tried," Ricky stopped walking towards Miss Jenn's office which was down the hall and got distracted by Summer going to a vending machine.

Oh great. I should just go find Miss Jenn myself and tell her that rehearsals aren't going to happen because Ricky is elsewhere.

"Guys, we came to find Miss Jenn and see how she's doing, not to go to shake the vending machine," I sighed getting aggravated.

"I'll get you a candy bar from my locker later," I heard Ricky mumble as we started to walk towards Miss Jenn's office again.

As we approached Miss Jenn's office, I saw a large 'do not disturb' sign on the door. I looked over to Ricky and then Summer wondering if we should knock or not.

Before, I could make another statement Summer seemed to catch onto what I was thinking and knocked on the door twice. It was kind of a loud knock but maybe it would wake Miss Jenn up so she could watch our waltz?

"Come in," We heard a faint voice from the corner of the small of office.

Ricky walked in first turning the lights on, followed by Summer who held his hand weird? And then I followed behind.

"Aghhh! the lights. Turn them back off," I heard Miss Jenn say before we heard a very disgusting sound.

"Gross," I heard Summer exclaim as she turned away from Miss Jenn.

Gosh, she was right this was gross. Miss Jenn had a puke bucket, a bottle of advil and very uncomfy looking pillow laying by her head on the small couch she had put in her office for students to sit on.

"I'll just wait outside," I heard Summer mumble as I watched her let go of Ricky's hand.

"Ricky don't just stand there. Do something. I don't know if the school nurse is still here but Miss Jenn needs help. Miss Jenn how did this happen?" I glared at Ricky and then walked over to the small couch where Miss Jenn was laying.

" I get migraines, neighbors, partied all night, no sleep," I vaguely heard Miss Jenn mumble as she closed her eyes again probably from light sensitivity.

"Ricky, turn the lights off, close the blinds and go find Mr. Mazarra who's still here in the STEM room. I'll help Miss Jenn sit up and clean up a bit. I guess we won't be waltzing today," I sighed as I watched Summer hold her nose while standing outside of the office.

She must be sensitive to the puke smell. I don't blame her but I'm used to taking care of E.J when he's too stubborn to take care of himself during flu season.

"Gosh, Ashlyn no need to be so bossy," Ricky scoffed before leaving the room to find Mr. Mazarra.

Wow. Ricky and his attitude. Miss Jenn is more important then his ego am I right?

A few minutes late, after I helped Miss Jenn sit up and drink some water from a bottle that was sitting on her desk, Ricky finally walked back in with Mr. Mazarra in tow.

"Go home kids, I'll take her home and take care of her," Mr. Mazarra shooed me away toward where Summer was standing outside the office.

Well, that was quick. Ricky and Summer seemed to be ready as ever to go home but I just remembered that I left my bag on Miss Jenn's carpet.

"Ashlyn where are you going?" Summer turned to face me as I quickly walked back towards Miss Jenn's office.

"I forgot my bag in Miss Jenn's office. You guys can tell the dancers to head home," I replied from across the hall since  I was closer to Miss Jenn's door than to Ricky and Summer.

When I approached the office door I realized that Mr. Mazarra must have left the door slightly open for fresh air. I was going to knock but it seemed like I had no choice but to sneak in and grab my bag although it seemed like something was going on between the two adults.

"I love you so much Jenn. Please get better soon. I hate seeing you like this, what happened to the humor and banter?" I overheard my STEM and robotics teacher whisper to my drama teacher before kissing her on her forehead.

Woah this is big news. My two favorite teachers are dating? It was now or never though, i had to get my bag somehow.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I left my backpack on the carpet when I was helping Miss Jenn. See you on Monday Mr. M and feel better soon Miss Jenn," I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out of the room as quickly as I could.

As I was walking back to the rehearsal room to find Biggie who was waiting for me, I thought about Miss Jenn being in love with my Robotics team coach. Was that even a good idea? Can teachers date other teachers?

A/N: I hope you liked this one. Jenzarra for life. I don't want to party with north high part two coming soon. Don't forget to leave your requests in the comments.

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