The Contract (Portwell)

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Prompt: Portwell fake dating Imagine (I based it off of To all the boys I've loved before)

A/N: I'm too busy to write the entire to all the boys story

Requested by:

*starts on valentine's day episode


Gina's POV:

As soon as I got out of my 6th period class, study hall, that I had with this guy named Tyler who kept flirting with me, I finally knew how to get him to stop flirting with me. He wasn't my type and he wore too much cologne. I definitely didn't flirt back, instead I tried to study throughout the entire period.

I walked to the girl's restroom and pulled out my phone to text someone who I haven't talked to since last semester.

Gina P: Hey, I finally know how I can pay you back for that plane ticket you bought for me last semester.

E.J Caswell: How?

Gina P: I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a while till this guy in my class stops flirting with me.

E.J Caswell: Ok, so how is this paying me back for a plane ticket? You don't need to pay me back by the way.

Gina P: well, you were complaining about not having a girlfriend earlier during rehearsals and its Valentine's day, so I could be your fake girlfriend.

E.J Caswell: ok, I see where this is going. I'll help you as long as we make some rules.

Gina P: meet me in the library.

Thankfully, my next class was my independent study class in the library where I just sat and did a bunch of research all period long for a teacher. I don't think she would mind if I met E.J for a moment. After, I exited the restroom I put my phone away so Mr. Mazarra wouldn't see it and walked to the library.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" E.J quietly whispered to me as he placed his back down on the chair next to mine that he had found.

"Ok, so what kind of rules are you thinking?" I got out a pen and note card from my backpack pocket.

"Well if this is going to be an act of fake dating we have to set boundaries," E.J put his arm on the table whispering since the librarian didn't like noise.

"Ok, you are right. Rule 1: No kissing, and that includes you. You can't kiss other girls," I said without telling him that I haven't had my first kiss at all.

"Ok, Rule 2: I will leave notes in your locker everyday," E.J took my pen and wrote down on the note card.

"Why notes? What kind of notes?" I questioned him since I didn't want a stalker or a bunch of recycling to clean up afterwards.

"My last girlfriend and I used to do it. I guess I just kind of miss it. Don't worry they won't be bad notes. It will be cute things like 'nice outfit today' or 'meet me at lunch'," E.J seemed comfortable talking about his last girlfriend before Nini.

"Ok, wait if you are going to be my fake boyfriend you have to watch my favorite show with me," I hesitated for a moment knowing E.J will hate "Dance Academy" but wrote it down anyway.

"What's dance Academy?" E.J sighed as he took the pen from me.

"It's my favorite show and you are coming over to watch it. Actually, I'll go to your house since I live at Ashlyn's place," I made a mental note to tell Ashlyn about this fake dating thing later.

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