Forgetfulness (Redlyn)

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Requested by: @MegOrr

Prompt: Big Red and Ashlyn are dating it doesn't go well at first when their friends find out but gets better at the end.

TW: anxiety attack

A/N: They've been dating for a week but they took things slowly and stayed a bit more private around school and their friends.


Big Red's POV: 

"Ashlyn are you feeling okay? You aren't watching the movie. It's your favorite movie Grease I put on," I looked over at my girlfriend sitting in the love seat next to me and gave her a look of concern.

"Could you please pause the movie Biggie? I need to to tell you something," I watched Ashlyn bite her lip nervously as she spoke while the movie played in the background.

"Yeah, of course What do you need to tell me?" I sat up in my seat and paused the movie that she had chosen to watch .

"Can you please not tell anyone about us being in a relationship until I'm ready? I've never dated anyone before so I guess I'm guess that I am trying to say that I want to enjoy the happy moments with you to myself before we decide to tell all our friends about us. I don't want them to make a big deal out of it because I know they will spread the word in school and I don't want to become part of the school gossip.  " I watched her speak slowly as she bit her lip nervously even more.

"Yeah of course I won't tell anyone, Ash, till we're both ready to tell our friends.  I want to enjoy my time with you too before our friends start reacting," I reached over to grasp onto her hand lightly to calm her down since I knew about that she had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety earlier in the month.

"I wish I could stay here with you forever but I have to go home and get ready for a family dinner.  E.J and his family are coming over tonight. I'll see you on Monday," Ashlyn started to get up off of my bed and walked over to where her purse and shoes were by my door.

"Wait, you forgot something," I walked over to her to give her one last kiss.

"Bye Biggie," I watched as Ashlyn slipped her shoes on then walked up the basement stairs.

"Wait, I'm coming with you. At least let me walk you to your car," I followed her up the stairs and slipped my shoes on before opening the front door for her.

After I walked Ashlyn to her car and gave her one last kiss, I decided to go back to my room to text my best friend, Ricky to see if he wanted to come over and play video games later tonight.


*Monday morning*

Ashlyn's POV:

"Good morning, Ashlyn. Did you do anything fun this weekend?" Nini walked over to me slinging her backpack over her shoulder as I shut my locker.

"Nothing much. Just did some planning for robotics club and baking club this week," I gave Nini a half smile as I walked down the hall with her.

"Did you do anything else this weekend Ash? I'm just wondering in case you spent time with a special someone," Nini leaned over to whisper into my ear as we walked down the science hallway.

"Not that I know of. Why are you asking?" I bit my lip nervously in case she found out about Big Red and I.

Before Nini could respond to my question, I looked over to my left side and saw Carlos walk over to us holding a red piece of paper.

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