Not a 24 hour virus Pt. 3 (Y/N x E.J)

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A/N: this is definitely not my best work. I'm sorry if it crappy. I've been doing a lot of internship work and my mental health isn't great. I am going to blame Tim Federle again. Wattpad is also ruining my editing and spacing alignments :/ wth

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*Monday morning*

E.J's POV:

As I walked into school I saw (Y/N) run into the girls' restroom and  started to get worried.

"Good Morning, Ash. Could you please do me a favor and go check on   (Y/N)? I'm worried about her and I can't go in there," I pointed to the restroom she just ran into as I stood by Ashlyn's locker.

"Good morning to you too cuz ,and I can do go check on her before the bell rings. Are you okay though? You look a little pale," I watched as my cousin got on her tippy toes  over to feel my forehead for my temperature even though she was shorter than I was.

"I'm okay just worried about (Y/N) and forgot to grab something for   breakfast. I'll get something from the vending machine later to snack on," I started to play with a ring on my finger to distract myself from saying anything about (Y/N) being pregnant.

"Ok, I'll be back. Take care of yourself," Ashlyn gave me a half smile before walking into the door of the restroom that my girlfriend ran into.

While I waited by my locker for Ashlyn to come back with (Y/N), I heard a voice call my name from down the hall and turned to see my drama teacher walk down the hall in very tall heels.

"E.J, I hope that this isn't a bad time to talk before school. I need you to come with me to my office to discuss some script changes, I promise it will be quick. I don't want you to be late for class," I looked up from my phone and saw stand a few feet away from me.

"Oh, sure no problem. I actually have something to tell you too," I looked towards the girls' restroom awkwardly for any sign of Ashlyn and my girlfriend then followed Miss Jenn to her office.


(Y/N)'s POV:

"Oh here we go again," I mumbled to myself hoping that no one else was in the restroom as I held onto the dirty toilet bowl and threw up the rest of my breakfast in the toilet for the third time this morning.

"(Y/N) are you feeling okay? E.J asked me to check on you and I am starting to get worried since you said that you still weren't feeling well on Friday afternoon at rehearsals," I heard someone call from outside of the stall I locked myself in as I flushed the toilet.

"Oh Hi Ash, I'm fine. I just needed to use the restroom. I probably had too much water this morning and didn't grab something for breakfast," I ignored her and walked over to the sinks to splash water on my face since I didn't have my toothbrush handy.

"You don't look or sound fine. I heard you throw up before I knocked on the door. (Y/N) tell me what's wrong before I tell E.J to drive you home," Ashlyn placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me as I stared into the mirror.

"If I tell you why I look and feel like crap, you have to promise not to tell anyone," I leaned over to hug her and made sure that no one else was in the restroom.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, not even E.J," Ashlyn whispered to me as I looked into my purse for a pack of mint gum that I swore I had packed earlier.

"I kept getting this nausea feeling on Friday and thought it was a 24 hour virus or something so I stayed in bed all morning," I whispered to into he ear and quickly unwrapped a piece of gum form a pack I found in my purse.

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