I don't want to party with North High Part 1

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A/N: This is inspired by iParty with Victorious but I changed some things and couples so I don't make people depressed like Tim did.  Your welcome in advanced.  I also don't know what Howie's last name is so I made it up.


Kourtney Greene:

I invited Carlos, E.J, Ashlyn, Big Red, and Ricky over to my house to have a look at some costume ideas that I had for the spring musical and everyone seemed to be running late. Weird.

Also, if Ricky was invited I assumed that Nini was coming too. I just didn't invite her since this was strictly a lead role in the musical costume meeting. Miss Jenn said to keep working on ideas outside of school so here I am with my sewing machine and the small pieces of fabric I found at a Jo Ann Fabric.

While waiting for everyone to arrive later than I had expected, I opened a google doc and typed out my first name and my boyfriend, Howie's last name in several different fancy fonts.

"Kourtney Johnson, Kourtney Johnson, Kourtney Johnson" I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Kourt, what's up?" I heard Ashlyn's voice from behind me since I didn't realize that she had walked into my room along with the others.

"Oh gosh, you guys scared me. You can take a seat on the couch or the bean bags. I'm almost done," I secretly closed my laptop as I blushed from my name and Howie's last name on the google doc.

Before I could shut my laptop, Carlos opened it and found the open google doc and Howie's social media page that I had opened earlier.

"Someone's in loveeeeee..... Oooh look your lover boy was tagged in a new picture on his Instagram," Carlos clicked on the Instagram post before I could shut my laptop from embarrassment.

On the laptop screen there was a very high resolution photo of my Howie holding another girl's hand and on her arm she had the exact same bracelet that I had on my arm. Howie gave me a bracelet with his name in gold lettering on it for our one month anniversary to prove to me as kind of a promise that he wouldn't use his North High elite status against my East High status.

(A/N: I didn't want to add the photo of Roman Banks' and his Girlfriend for respect purposes)

No, no, no this can't be happening. We've been going strong for a full month, even after I figured out that he's a North High student.

"Kourt, are you okay? You've been staring at the photo speechless for over a minute ans still haven't shown us the costume ideas," Carlos rested his arm on my shoulder.

"That's Howie, my boyfriend and that's my bracelet. He's cheating on me. I should've known that he'd do that after North High stole our beast mask," I mumbled trying to compose myself.

"You've been dating Howie from North High? and you didn't mean to tell us anything?" Carlos blurted into my ear angrily.

Thankfully, Nini grasped onto Carlos shirt and pulled him back onto a bean bag she was sitting on.

"For your information Carlos, I love him and he loves me. Well, I thought he loved me....," I whispered as I stared at the photo before E.J grabbed my laptop.


"Here let me see if I can find anything else about this Jessica Thorne girl," E.J put my laptop on his lap as he sat on the small futon I had in the room.

"Hey, that's my laptop and we're here to discuss costume ideas," I tried to grab my laptop but E.J had fast arm reflexes.

"I'm researching her," E.J smirked at me while Nini looked at me apologetically since she had experienced E.J taking her phone before.

"Oh yes, there she is, oh my gosh look at her cheekbones," We all heard E.J moan as Ricky gave him a look.

"Oh she's smoking hot, hotter than Gina," E.J whispered a little too loudly for all of us to hear."

"Quite some girl who is hot... I mean hideous.... gross she has a nose pimple,"E.J continued on as I groaned and sat next to Ricky and Nini.

"Let me see this girl... whoa she's smoking hot it's very high resolution," Big Red leaned over to where E.J was sitting with my laptop.

Great...... we're never gonna discuss costume ideas. And I just found out my boyfriend is cheating on me.

"Hey, what about me Belle?" I watched as Ashlyn cross her arms before Big Red could kiss her on the cheek.

"Ok, enough lovey dovey stuff Ricky, Nini, Ashlyn and Big Red. What are we going to do about about Howie? I kind of told him some of my ideas for the costumes and he knows that I'm playing Miss Potts. He knows too much. I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't have trusted him. I thought he loved me," I started to pace around my room panicking while looking through my costume design book for an idea that I haven't told Howie yet.

"Well it says on the girls' profile who tagged him in the photo that there is a North High Party this weekend at her house. It seems like she's a North High student too. She has over 500 followers and some of her followers are famous models," E.J looked up from my laptop and finally put it back down on my work desk.

I watched as Ashlyn gently hit E.J on the head with one of my plush pillows and then grasped onto my hand to show support.

"Well then why don't we go expose him and get some revenge on North High, besides we need some time off from rehearsing for the musical. My voice hurts from roaring like a beast so much," Ricky spoke up and finally stopped cuddling with Nini.

"As our choreographer and resident candlestick, I will allow this to happen since Ricky and Ashlyn finally aced the waltz during rehearsal. And I am here to support Kourtney and East High. I despise North High too," Carlos exclaimed as he stood in the middle of my carpet while everyone laughed at his candlestick comment.

"Ok fine. But on one condition, we cannot party or dance or act like we're having fun. We are only going to expose Howie and possibly get revenge somehow. I will also give him this dumb promise bracelet back. Oh and we're going to need new outfits and names because North High students never invite East High students to parties. I can make something up and ask Howie if I can come with friends though to make it a little less suspicious," I sighed as I stared at all the costume designs I had shown to Howie when he came to my house last week to watch a movie.

"Ok sounds good. I've never been to a North High party before this will be exciting," Nini exclaimed as I watched Ricky give her a look.

In reality, I wasn't really confident about this idea but I had to do something to get back at Howie for breaking my heart. i was doing this for the show though and for myself.

"What team?" Carlos put his hand down in the center for all of us.

"Wildcats?" Big Red scratched his head ruining the chant.

"Actually this time we are on Team Kourtney," Nini put her hand in the circle as everyone chanted my name.

I guess Beauty and the Beast costumes are going to have to wait another week.

A/N: comment down below if you want a part two. Also, if you want to request and imagine the request box is the first page posted.

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