Taking the long way home (Portwell)

655 13 4

Requested by: @alexas0hia2118

Prompt: Gina and E.J's Ride home from the airport from ep 9


Gina's POV:

E.J was being such a gentleman to me tonight. First of all, he brought me a granola bar which I was totally craving like three hours ago but don't mind snacking on it right now. He's also rolling two of my suitcases for me so now I'm just carrying my backpack. And he didn't say anything about his Duke sweatshirt being fashionably modified to fit me.

Ok, yes I did cut the hood off and crop the bottom part to fit my size but I kinda want to keep it as a memento for all the good memories I have had with him over the past semester.

"I can roll my own luggage to the car," I exclaimed as E.J walked several feet ahead of me towards the parking lot where he parked his truck.

"Its okay, I got it. You should probably finish that granola bar. You must be starving, we can stop somewhere and get a late dinner if you want," E.J turned to face me in the moonlight after putting my luggage in the back part of his truck.

"I am kind of hungry. I didn't want to spend any money on food at the airport since it tends to be pricey but I did have some snacks in the lounge," I mumbled as I walked over to the passenger side.

Damn it. I'm too short to hop in the car. I thought that I was tall but when you see E.J you know he's the tallest in the group.

"Need some help?" I heard E.J laugh lightly as he opened the door for me and gave me a boost up so that I could sit.

"Thanks. You don't have to be so nice to me if you feel bad about my plane being delayed. So, where can we eat if its 2:00 am in the morning?" I looked over to E.J who easily hopped into the driver's seat.

"Only 24 hour restaurants I know of are IHOP or Denny's. And I wanted to pick you up so that you didn't have to Uber with some stranger and Ashlyn is asleep. I couldn't sleep so I decided to do a little social media scroll and saw your snap chat story," E.J looked at me straight in the eyes.

Wow. He had such beautiful eyes. What am I thinking? He doesn't like me like that? We are just going to get food. This isn't a date night thing.

"You okay Gina?" E.J put his hand on mine and started to drive with the other.

"Yeah, I just miss my bed and I'm hungry," I stared at his hand that was placed on top of mine.

"Oh sorry about that," E.J took his hand off of mine and continued to drive.

"So, I'm kind of in the mood for pancakes. Lets go to IHOP," I broke the awkward silence that was between us.

E.J nodded his head and continued to drive in silence. I wanted to put my hand back on his for warmth since my hands were cold but also didn't want to distract him from driving. He must be tired too because it must take courage to drive to the airport to pick someone up at 2am.


E.J's POV:

The closest IHOP in our location was closer to Ashlyn's house than the airport so it was quite a drive. I would say at least 30 minute tops if I don't encounter any other cars on the road.

I shouldn't have let go of Gina's hand because now she rubbing her hands together for warmth and staring out the window like a lost puppy. I really wanted to tell her how I feel about her but now isn't the moment; its 2 am and we're both tired.

"Are you cold?"  I whispered to Gina since I was still focusing on the road and trying to turn the heat on.

"A little bit. It's not as cold as it was in January," I heard Gina whisper as she started to close her eyes.

I turned the heat on just a little bit and took her hand again as I drove with one hand.

She seemed to be sleepy and I wouldn't blame her for it. She must have had a long and lonely day sitting at the airport by herself.

As we approached, the shopping center where the IHOP was located, I noticed that Gina had fallen asleep with her head leaned back on the headrest. Her hand was still holding onto mine and she didn't seem to want to let go. So I decided not to wake her up.

I wanted to get her the pancakes that she had asked for but also didn't want to leaver her in the car alone. I guess I'll just have to drive her back to Ashlyn's house.

After a very quiet ten minute drive of Gina holding one of my hands while I was driving with the other, I finally made it back to Ashlyn's house. Gina looked so tired and peaceful so I didn't bother to wake her up. I decided to carry her in bridal style and leave her luggage in the truck for now.

Thankfully, I made it into the house carrying Gina to her bedroom to tuck her in without waking her up. She was a heavy sleeper and didn't even move a bit. I wanted to say something about my Duke sweatshirt that she was wearing too but decided not too since she looked very comfy in it.

Before closing Gina's door, I decided to place a kiss on her forehead to let her know that I care and that tonight wasn't an act of pity.

"Hey there you are, I was wondering where you went," I heard my cousin whisper as I walked into the living room to sleep on the pull out couch.

"I went to pick Gina up from the airport her flight got delayed and her mom didn't want her to sleep at the airport," I whispered back while Ashlyn sat down on the couch next to me.

"That's so sweet. You are such a good friend and cousin," Ashlyn nudged my shoulder before yawning and covering her mouth.

"Yeah I guess. Hey, do you know how to make blueberry pancakes?" I whispered as Ashlyn closed her eyes and leaned on my shoulder.

"Why are you asking me this at 3:00 am?" I watched Ashlyn open her eyes again and rub them from tiredness.

"Because I want to make them for Gina tomorrow," I whispered back to Ashlyn who started to get up to go back to her room.

"Aunt Lisa's family recipe for pancakes is on the fridge. I'll help you make them tomorrow so you don't burn the place down and make us get grounded again," Ashlyn winked back at me as she shut her door.

I guess the romantic breakfast gesture I wanted to make tomorrow, won't be as romantic as it seems with Ashlyn in the kitchen. But on the bright side I will get to see Gina tomorrow since Ashlyn and I are house sitting for my aunt and uncle.

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