Not a 24 hour Virus Pt. 2 (Y/N and E.J)

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Requested by: @that-one-simpp

Prompt: (Y/N)and  E.J are Seniors at East High. One day, she finds out that she is  pregnant (Part 1) and has to tell E.J since he's the father (Part 2).  Then later on they decide to tell their drama club friends and they  react. (Part 3)

A/N:  I separated the into parts so that I could keep track of what part I wrote.

(Y/N/N)= your nickname

*At the Bagley's house*

Y/N's POV:

"Please pause the movie (Y/N). I got to take this call. I'll be right back, " I looked to my side and saw my sister holding her phone to her ear and stand up to leave the room.

I didn't even realize that her phone rang. She must have had it on vibrate since we were having a movie marathon.

"Ok, but come back quick I wanna see Ross Lynch and Maia Mitchell sing and dance," I paused the movie we were watching and waited for her.

"Ugh you and your DCOMS," I watched my sister exit the room for a minute then came back quickly a few seconds later.

"(Y/N) we have to pause our movie marathon. Kourtney just called me and told me that she needs my help with something backstage even though I told Miss Jenn I'd stay home to take care of you. I guess that there's an emergency in the theater. I'm not gonna let you sit at hone by yourself and eat ice cream while you pretend like you nothing happened this morning," I listened to Natalie start to ramble on and on about the call she just received.

Natalie only ever rambles when she gets nervous about theater stuff. She must be really stressed about whatever Kourtney said.

"Nat.... You told me this morning that I could stay home because of you know what. Why are you making me to go to rehearsals?" I groaned and curled up into a ball on the couch while glaring at my sister from where I was sitting on the couch.

"I know about your you know what. And it's only been what less than 24 hours since then, but I'd like to see you get up off of the couch and do something other than eat ice cream. Besides, when are you gonna tell E.J?," Natalie accidentally pointed to my stomach making me self conscious about my belly since it would eventually grow and make me look fat.

Thank god, she never found out about any of my body insecurity struggles that I've had since I hit puberty. So, I guess she will find out when my belly grows and E.J will find out too.


"Ugh fine. I'll go only because I don't want to see Dad when he gets home from work. I'm a bad liar and can't keep a secret from him," I got up from the couch while ignoring her question about E.J and walked back to our room to change.


E.J's POV:

"Hey E.J. Do you know where Kourtney is? She told me to come ASAP because she needed help with something, " I looked up from my script and saw our stage manager Natalie Bagley standing in front of me.

"Kourtney's in the costume room. She came into the theater a few minutes ago crying. She said that our only sewing machine broke and Miss Jenn went to comfort her. Is your sister here? Is she feeling okay? Is she still sick?" I stood up from my seat ignoring Natalie and looked around the theater for any sign of my girlfriend.

"E.J settle down. (Y/N) is here. She went to the bathroom. I'm sure she will be here any second. I drove her here since I didn't want her to be home alone. You can ask her how she's feeling when you see her," Natalie snapped her fingers at me to get my attention as I stopped looking around the theater for her sister aka my girlfriend.

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