Not a 24 Hour Virus Pt.1 (Y/N x E.J)

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Requested by: @that-one-simpp

Prompt: (Y/N)and E.J are Seniors at East High. One day, she finds out that she is pregnant (Part 1) and has to tell E.J since he's the father (Part 2). Then later on they decide to tell their drama club friends and they react. (Part 3)

A/N: I separated them into parts so that I could keep track of what part I wrote.


*Last Friday*

(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N) wake up! We're going to be late for school and I need to talk to Miss Jenn about my stage manager position for the spring musical. Stop sleeping in so late. I'm already dressed," I looked up from my comfy bed and saw my older sister Natalie pulling my sheets off.

"Go away Nat. I don't feel well. Go do your stage manager shit and leave me alone," I covered myself with the sheets again and closed my eyes.

"Someone's on her period. I'll just tell dad that we're going to be late for school because of you," I opened one eye to see her crossing her arms and turning away from me.

Before I could tell my sister that I wasn't on my period, I untangled myself from my sheets and ran to our joint bathroom as fast as I could and began throwing up the contents of last night's midnight snack into the toilet.

"You feeling okay sis? You usually don't throw up when your about to get your period," I felt someone pat my back gently and looked up to see my sister holding my hair back for me.

"I'm okay now. I think I'm done. Thanks for holding my hair back Nat," I stood up from where I was sitting on the floor and flushed the toilet then quickly wiped my mouth with a piece of toilet paper.

"(Y/N) maybe you should stay home today and get some rest in case this is a 24 hour bug. I can get your homework assignments for you and bring them home," I looked over my shoulder as I began to brush my teeth and saw my sister standing behind me with her backpack in hand.

"I don't think it's a 24 hour bug that made me throw up, Nat" I spoke quietly as I walked over to my sister after brushing my teeth and leaned my head against her shoulder and began to cry.

"What do you think is causing it then?" Natalie looked down at my tear stained face and kissed my forehead like mom used to when we got sick.

"Well, it's just hard to ask Dad these types of questions since Mom is gone, but do you think that its bad that my period is four days late?" I bit my lip and hugged her tightly as we leaned against the bathroom door.

"Oh (Y/N) It's gonna be alright sis. I'll be here for you. Yeah, I think so. You should take a test to be safe (Y/N)," I looked at my sister speaking softly to me while wiping some of my tears away with her finger.

I felt thankful to have a sister like Natalie since she hardly ever asked about E.J and I.

"Nat are you talking about a pregnancy test? I can't do that. I'm 18. I don't want to take it. I can't do this. I feel like I'm going to be sick again" I felt my hands begin to tremble as I started to hyperventilate while I kept overthinking about her comment.

"Yeah (Y/N). I am talking about a pregnancy test. There's a blue box under the sink that says Clear Blue on it that Mom must have left before she passed last year. Just follow the instructions and tell me when your finished. I'll stay with you and wait. School and rehearsals aren't as important anymore," Natalie leaned over to hug me tighter as I cried into her blouse.

"Ok, please wait ouside Nat. I really can't do this without you," I bit my lip as I went to the cabinet to look for the test she was talking about.

I locked myself into the restroom then looked  down at the instructions that were on the back of the pregnancy test box while my hands were shaking.

"Ok, (Y/N). Just take the test and close your eyes  afterwards.  Everything is going to be fine," I whispered to myself  before I did my  business then quickly set a timer on my phone for 5  minutes and shut my  eyes.

"Natalie, you can come in now," I gently pushed the door open and kept my eyes shut.

"You can open your eyes now (Y/N)," I heard my sister say as the timer beeped.

"I'm too scared to look. Please tell me what it says," I bit my lip and began to tear up again as I continued to close my eyes.

"Shit, (Y/N). Your pregnant," Natalie leaned over and bumped into my shoulder gently trying to get me to open my eyes.

"What?!" I finally found the courage to open my eyes and stared at the plastic stick she was holding.

"It says 'pregnant'" Nat whispered to me and held onto my hand while rubbing circles on it as I began to sob into her shirt again.

"What  am I going to do?" I mumbled as I got up from leaning on her shoulder.

"I think the first thing that you have to do is call E.J. He's the father right?" Natalie looked down at my tear stained face and kissed my forehead like our mom used to when we got sick.

"Yeah he is," I squeezed her hand as we sat on the bathroom floor together hugging each other.

"Okay, I won't tell dad till you are ready to. Let's stay home and have a movie marathon instead of going to school," Natalie looked down at my sad face and whispered quietly trying to calm me down.

"I really don't want to go to school, Nat."

"We won't today but eventually you are going to have to (Y/N). I looked over to see Natalie grabbing some toilet paper to wipe my eyes for me.


*Time skip to Rehearsals*

E.J's POV:

"E. J sweetie, please stop looking at your phone and look over at Ashlyn. She is Belle and you are trying to get her attention as she walks across the stage since you are Gaston. Please read the stage directions for Gaston better next time before rehearsals instead of playing on your phone,," I looked up from my phone and saw Miss Jenn standing in front of me and Carlos clapping his hands behind her trying to get my attention rudely.

"Hmmm? Oh, sorry. I'm just worried about my girlfriend since she said she was feeling sick this morning and had to skip school," I put my phone on vibrate and walked back over to the stage where my cousin was waiting for me.

"Speaking of (Y/N), does anyone know where she is? I need her for a costume fitting," Kourtney appeared from backstage scaring Ashlyn who was studying her lines.

"She texted me this morning and said she wasn't feeling well this morning and didn't come to class. I haven't seen her all day. I'm worried about her too. I think she caught the flu since she was telling me about her symptoms the other day when we were working on a science project. I really hope she isn't sick because our lab is due by the end of the week and I can't work on it alone," Ashlyn leaned over to whisper to me while I studied my script.

"Wait, how come she didn't tell me that she wasn't feeling well the other day? I thought that she got this sick only once this morning and couldn't come to school. She seemed fine yesterday when we went on a date to Salt Lake Slices," I whispered back to Ashlyn trying to avoid Miss Jenn who was impatiently waiting for me to start the scene we were blocking today.

"I don't know. Maybe its girl stuff that she doesn't want to tell you about. You should go over to her place after rehearsals to check on her," Ashlyn whispered back at me before Carlos started to clap his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Why are you two whispering? We're supposed to be blocking Belle's opening scene. We're going to be here all night if you two keep whispering secrets to each other," I looked up to see Carlos walking over to Ashlyn and I with Miss Jenn's clipboard.

"We're talking about the scene," I replied to Carlos as I backed away from my cousin since we needed to start rehearsing soon.

A/N: part two coming soon

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