Graduation Day (Portwell)

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3rd request by @red5050

Prompt: EJ's graduation day


Gina's POV:

"Excuse me Miss, I think you are sitting in the wrong section. This isle is reserved for the Caswell family," I looked up to see E.J's dad in a suit standing in front of me.

Well this is awkward.

"Oh Hey Mr. Caswell. I was invited to sit in this section by E.J himself," I fixed my dress and stood up from my seat to greet him.

"This section has been reserved for the Caswell family only. He never told me about inviting anyone to his graduation. I think its time to leave Miss," E.J's dad looked at me sternly trying to scare me off.

"I was invited by E.J because I'm his girlfriend. I'm not going to look for another seat. I was invited by your son himself," I huffed and sat back down in the seat I was sitting in before.

"His girlfriend?! Is that why he's been telling me that he doesn't want to go to Duke. Are you the reason why he wants to stay in Utah and take a gap year? Get the hell out of here. You are not allowed to be around my son or see him graduate. I don't want him to be distracted by college opportunities," E.J's dad whispered to me angrily trying not to make a scene.

"Yes sir, sorry about the confusion," I got up stressed and scared of Mr. Cash Caswell.

I guess this why E.J never introduced me to his parents. He's told me before that his family is a Duke family but he doesn't want to go.

While the graduation ceremony was going on, I decided to find a spot to sit since Ashlyn said she would drive me back to her house later. I wanted to be in the same place as E.J to congratulate him later but also didn't want to disrespect his family's values so I decided it was best for me not to go to the ceremony.

The bench that I found wasn't far from the outdoor field where the ceremony was being held. It was actually closer to a vending machine. How sad. But it works for now. I just don't want to make Mr. Caswell even more upset.


E.J's POV:

I finally got my diploma, which means that I am done with East High for good. Its been a long 4 years but I've made some great friends who I'll never forget. I also found a beautiful girlfriend who wants to try a long-distance relationship but didn't see her in the crowd today. I swear I reminded her a billion times about the ceremony and gave her the invitation to her like two weeks ago. She couldn't have lost it. Maybe she decided not to come?

Everyone from my class is celebrating with a pizza party in the gym while I look for my girlfriend who never showed up to the ceremony. She never expressed to me that she didn't want to come. She's actually been complimenting me and praising me for all of my accomplishments.

The cap that I was given kept falling off of my head so I held it in my hand as my red graduation robe dragged down the hall. And I didn't have my phone on me at the moment so I couldn't text her. Maybe she went to the restroom after the ceremony and I just didn't see her? I kept walking down the halls of the high school I just graduated from to look for any sign of her.

"E.J is that you?" I heard her voice before I saw her stand across the hall in a beautiful floral dress.

"Gina, there you are. I thought that you decided not to come," I ran over to her as fast as I could without tripping on the robe and opened my arms to hug her.

"I would never forget about your graduation day. I am so proud of you EJ," Gina started to ruffle her hands through my robe as she smiled while I picked her up lightly making her giggle.

"I didn't see you in the crowd. Is everything okay? Did you leave to use the restroom?" I put her down and looked into her eyes.

"Your dad told me that I wasn't welcome to sit in the area that the invitation that you gave me stated. I kind of used the girlfriend excuse to argue about how I had an invitation and he got even more upset at me. He kind of threatened me and told me not to see you again. I'm sorry I had to tell him we are dating. He would've found out sooner or later. He thinks that I am a distraction and the reason why you don't want to go to Duke anymore," Gina looked down to play with her clutch.

"Hey, hey, look at me babe," I picked her chin up with my finger and held the cap in my other hand.

"Am I the reason why you don't want to go to Duke?" Gina looked up at me and placed a hand on my cheek as if she was about to kiss me but didn't.

"No, of course not. I want to be my own person. I want to do something different from all of my family members. I honestly don't know what I want to do that's why I want to do this gap year to have time to think. Don't take my dad's comments too seriously he can be mean and aggressive sometimes but he means well and is smart," I sighed at the thought of my Dad threatening my girlfriend to leave my graduation ceremony.

"You should go celebrate with your family since they are here for the day," Gina distanced herself from me still not convinced of my answer looking a bit upset.

"Ok, but first I need a congratulations kiss and I'll walk you to Ashlyn's car since she's driving you home." I bit my lip which made smile and run over to kiss me on the lips.

I picked her up gently by the waist kissing her on the lips and dropped my cap on the ground to twirl her around. I guess that this was our first and last kiss in the East High hallway. What a great way to end my time at East High. I'll probably be back soon to see her graduate.

HSMTMTS IMAGINES: Book #3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora