Chapter 3 ~ Befriending instead of falling

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Heyy guys, sorry for this late chapter, I was very sick and then i got lazy. BUT now im done, so i hope this is good enough, because i dont particulary like some of it.

Dedication to the boyxboy library for adding my story to their list :D

Sienna and Zac on the side :)

Paradise :)


Chapter 3

Befriending instead of Falling

After leaving my sisters room, I walked the little way towards my room and slumped against the door. Burying my head in my hands and curling up my legs, quickly falling asleep. It had been a long night.

Waking up late in the afternoon, I was still in that position on the floor. Well thanks caring friends for putting me into bed I thought to myself.

Slipping into my room I got ready for the first day of the year, dressed in my new clothes, I strode down the stairs towards the main room. Surprisingly everyone was already gone and the place was spotless. Pleased I wouldn't have to help clean, I jumped over the couch intending to relax.

But landed on someone that would be no longer sleeping, he groaned turning over so he was under me. Seems like there was still one person here. I repositioned myself so I could find out who he was.


Relieved it wasn't in fact Xavier, I leaned down and rested against his body. Sighing I snuggled into him, he felt really comfortable.

I felt him tense up but ignored it, he put his hands around my upper arms, trying to push me away. He was such an idiot, I wouldn't make a move on him. He was my best friend, I couldn't really see him as boyfriend material.

I'm quite sure he knows about my sexuality now, but I'm not ready to confirm his suspicions yet. At least I haven't noticed anything different about him, which is a great relief.

I looked him in the eyes, seeing nervousness. Smirking to myself, I quickly decided to tease him a bit.

No words have since been spoken but I was the one to break that.

"Alex" I called in a sing song voice.

His eyes widened, he knew trouble always followed that. He struggled to move out of my tight grasp.

"Feeling left out? Want a kiss from the ever so sexy me?" I bit my lip, pretending to be flirty.

Locking eyes, I leaned closer until our lips were close to touching, feeling him move back I put my hands in his hair, tugging him closer.

"Don't Aiden! W-What are you doing!?" he panicked, trying to get out from under me.

"Just saying good afternoon" Smirking once again, I got off him easily and walked away out of the room.

Chuckling to myself I looked around for someone to talk to. Catching Sienna's eye, I walked up to her with a smile on my face, getting closer to her, stretching my arms out. She smiled at me, happy that I was actually showing signs of affection for once, not that, it isn't suspicious at all. She must think I'm being nice to her just because it is new years and her birthday.

Instead of hugging her, I shouted in her right ear, "18 and 1 day!"

Running away I kept shouting the same thing repeatedly, intending to annoy her. I could hear her cries of frustration as I ran across the house. She is such a drama queen; it is so easy to annoy her.

I grinned as I raced out of the house, running away from my sister. I stumbled over the steps and fell.

I closed my eyes to try and lessen the impact of my fall, bracing myself for it, but it never came.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ