Chapter 8 ~ One surprise too many

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Hey guys, i just finished school earlier today, so I thought I should update, since i love you guys so much XD haha so expect a few more updates, I have two weeks break :) Hope you guys like the chapter or not like it, because of what happens cough...

myparadise15 <3


Chapter 8

One surprise too many

For once, I was happy to go to school, it would mean that I would be able to see Xavier. I practically jumped out of bed. It seemed empty without Xavier there, he left yesterday morning. He looked out of it, like he was thinking way too much about something. He didn't say much to me before he left, except that he was going to see someone. I just nodded to him and told him I'd see him at school. I spun around the room, in the happiest mood I had been in months.

I quickly got ready for school, I was dressed in some tight fitting jeans, a ripped blue shirt and a sexy leather jacket. I checked myself out in the mirror, looking good I said to myself. My confidence has seriously gone up since the weekend events. Could Xavier really like me? I grinned happily, racing downstairs I grabbed my sister. I dragged her toward her car, as I started literally jumping on the spot.

"What's up with you and STOP you're ruining my top!" she gave me a slight glare and moved out of my grasp. She hopped in the car and I slipped in next to her.

"Um...I think Xavier might like me" I admitted to her, slightly embarrassed. An emotion passed through her eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was. I nervously started fidgeting with the end of my shirt. "What do you think, sis?"

"I'm not sure, maybe ask Zac" she replied then turned back to the road, driving us to school. We walked into school together and I noticed that she appeared a little distant, since I told her about Xavier. What did she know that I didn't?

I stuffed my bag in my locker and walked towards my friends, they were all there except Xavier. Usually it's just us three, Alex, Amelia and me, but this summer a lot has happened.  As I approached them, I could see Zac animatedly telling them something, causing them all to burst out laughing.

I smiled as I stepped in between them, they all greeted me with a smile, but I could tell something was going on that I didn't know about. I could see the looks in their eyes and the looks they kept shooting at each other, I gave Alex a confused look and he just shook his head. I would ask him about it later, when I could get him alone. Dismissing it for now, I dragged the two lovers to our first class.

"Math" I slumped against the seat, tired from waking up early. I could hear whispers behind me. I decided to be sneaky and listen in on their conversation.

"Yeah, she was away for the holidays but now she's back"

"So they are back together right?"

"Yup, I haven't seen her yet, but she is probably with him"

"Yeah, he's really hot, Sophie is so lucky"

"What's her boyfriend's name again?"

"Ok class, let's begin!" the teacher shouted, the noise slowly died down. I wonder who Sophie is and who her boyfriend is? Whatever, it's not my business anyway. I scribbled down the notes as the class zoomed past. I scooped up my books, said goodbye to my friends and walked to my next class.


Pretty soon it was lunch, the day was half over. It was only the first day so it had been pretty relaxed. I rushed towards my locker, shoved all my stuff in and grabbed my lunch. I calmed down a little, smiled and walked outside to find my friends. Every year we hung out at a different place in the school. I looked around and I noticed something off to the side. I had a bad feeling. My eyes fell on a couple kissing pretty deeply, I put it off as just some random couple. I felt like shouting out to keep it PG, I smiled, but that was not long lived.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now