Chapter 17 ~ Some Explaining to do

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Hii, quick update ;) nah im kidding, im a turtle writer, this was the other half to the previous chapter, cause it was soo long, well for me

Being such a sporty girl lately, whilst really im lazy as :P Anyways holidays almost over and the storys almost over D: love this too much to end, but im thinking a sequel is needed :P Still a little loner though, candy crush is my only friend XD umm :D hehe awkward grin to fill the silence. OK sooooo enjoy this chapter, i worked for hours on these two chapters, couldnt get it right.

So be sure to vote, comment and fan X


Xavier's POV

I stepped from foot to foot, sheepishly, i had been thinking the same thing all this time but just wasn't 100% sure about it. I guess i just needed someone to tell me, a second opinion. This was a important subject, i couldn't make the wrong decision now, it was the absolute turning point.

"It was obvious, wasn't it...there's no way around it" I told him, shaking my head slightly concluding the discussion with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah pretty much, come on let's get to school" he replied, getting up and off the bed. He held out his hand I put mine in his before following close behind him. I picked up my bag and various other necessities before closing the front door and getting into the car with him.

In a few minutes we had reached our school, putting on a weak nervous smile I stepped out of the car. I quickly scanned the place somewhat sneakily before relaxing when I didn't see Aiden or Sophie for that matter. I was seriously psyching myself out of this every second i thought about it.

Then I walked over to my locker, putting my bag inside before slamming it shut. I turned around and leaned my body against the metal door. Closing my eyes briefly to calm my nerves, next class I will surely see Sophie, I had to give her a proper explanation for my sudden actions. Just hours ago, before our break up; I didn't really show any obvious signs so it must have been pretty surprising on her part. It was settled I had to do it. I blinked my eyes opened and suddenly i back around, facing my locker.

I was surprised to see both Sophie and Aiden walking down the hallway together. Since when were they friends? I thought, turning back to my locker to hide myself still shocked by the sight. After the first bell went, I swiftly moved in with the crowds and got to class early. I sat down in my seat and placed my head on the desk whilst I waited for the rest of my classmates to arrive.

I was awoken from my half sleeping mode when I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I let out a small breath of relief when I realised it was just Zac. I gave him a tiny smile still a little tired from my lack of sleep last night. My smile crumbled a little when I saw who had just entered the room, I was worried about her and I was stuck on how to explain myself without hurting her any more than I already have.

I was planning on talking to her in this class, but the teacher wouldn't stop talking and she wasn't sitting next to me. She was on the opposite side of the room with her girlfriends, I didn't exactly expect her to sit next to me but she could have at least acknowledged me somehow. I guess this may be how it's going to be from now on but I'm sure we can still remain friends after some time. I didn't have any other classes with her today so I decided to talk to her at lunch.

I pulled out a sheet of paper and folded it in half. I had to tell her I wanted to talk to her some way. I wrote her name on top before scribbling out a short message. I folded it again before passing it to Zac and it was passed on to a few more people it reached Sophie. When she saw her name I watched her from a distance, to see her reaction. She read the inside and looked across at me, I gave her a small smile. I didn't sign my name so she was kinda intuitive to figure it out. She smiled back, her smile not reaching her eyes. She was really was hurt, I could tell.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang