Chapter 22 ~ We're meant to be; you and me

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Hey guyss this is the last chapter then it will have an epilogue and maybe a few oneshots ;)

I have holidays right now so i've been studying when i really want to write. Today im writing and taking a break. I hope you enjoy this chapter, its quite cute and a bit funny, if its not, sorry i tried....

Free season 1 finished and i also finished watching vampire diaries, what am i going to do now? pff write of course ;) ahha i want to really, but i must study >< nah but expect some new stories once they are properly planned anddd help me reach my goals :)

Vote and Comment for a sequel !! 

I love you all so much xx


Chapter 22- Final Chapter

We're meant to be; you and me

Aiden's POV

A few months had passed since we first got together and I couldn't be any happier. Tonight was our high school's formal and Xavier had asked me to go. Just thinking about it makes me blush.

We were over at my house, in my room to be specific and we were 'studying' well he was studying. It was like a study date. It was his last year of school and he wanted to study. I wanted to go out somewhere but he suggested this instead which i agreed to. He arrived at my house right after i ate dinner. My parents had gone out to watch a movie and I was home alone.

When the doorbell rang I ran down the stairs, careful not to trip and fall. I found the key under some paperwork and quickly unlocked the door. My mind flashed back to how I first met him, at New Year's Eve and I smiled. I stared at him intently and he dropped his bag on the ground. I flung my arms around him and hugged him close to me.

"Can I come inside, it's kinda cold" he asked, a smirk probably on his face.

I walked backwards and he kicked the door shut. I lifted my eyes from his chest up to his eyes. He smiled down at me and I reddened. I pressed my lips hard against him and he returned the kiss. He pushed me against the wall and held me up as my legs failed to keep me standing.

After a few minutes, he slowly released me and took a step back. "Aiden, I have to study we can kiss later" I sighed following him up to my room. I fell back onto my bed and he came in a few minutes later with his bag. I wanted another kiss, he was such a great kisser. 

"Can we kiss Xavier?" he gave me a look and ignored me laying his books out on the desk. He sat down and opened his textbook. I crossed my arms across my chest and laid on my side watching him. As the glasses he wore slid down his face, his shirt tightened around his muscles and his tongue licked his lips. All these things he was doing was tempting me.

"Are you sure you have to study?" I asked again with a mumbled yes as a response. I slid off the bed sneakily and crept up behind him. I stopped right next to his ear and held my breath.

"Aren't study dates meant to be fun?" I asked letting out my breath and whispering to him. He jumped startled by my sudden presence.

"We can have fun later, I really need to do this, don't make me go home and study alone" he said tiredly. We stayed up late talking the last few days and I don't think he's been having much sleep. Defeated by my guilty conscience I stood up. 

I stepped back and flopped back down on my bed on my stomach. I was being selfish. I pulled my homework out of my schoolbag and flipped to the right page. I glanced back at Xavier and he smiled at me. I grinned and turned back to my book. I might as well finish this so we will both be free from homework, at least for a little while. 

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now