Chapter 14 ~ Time will tell

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Hi HI HI! I'm getting louder ;) :OOO hehehe

woahhh new chapter, i think i should be doing some work but like i procrastinate, i know! its a issue -_- cant stop, AND i seriously just passed level 305 of candy crush, as you guys can tell i dont play at all and yeah not addicted. I also started watching random eps of running man and reading manga, why do i get into the trends so late, feel so behind >< always happens

Need some ship names for Xavier and Aiden, cant think of a good one hmmm Ace? lol idk help me!

Like usually guys, please comment vote and fan, its a happier chapter i promise!


Chapter 14

Time will tell

Xavier’s POV

It’s like everywhere I look and go, they’re there. I can’t take my eyes off them and it makes me have a strange feeling. I can’t believe they are together, it’s just not possible. It must be true though, I asked Sienna and Alex and they both said it was true. I have no idea why they are together, he shouldn’t be with Zac, my best friend, but I guess he is the only other gay guy he knows. But still, I thought that he liked me…

“Xavier! Are you even listening to me?” I heard Sophie ask. I shook my head to get out of those silly thoughts and diverted my attention to Sophie, my girlfriend…I shouldn’t even be thinking about these sort of things.

“Yes? Sorry” I replied, grabbing her hand and swinging it lightly between us.

“As I was saying, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight…you know on a date” she asked, with a cute little smile on her face.

I really did want to, but I wanted to talk to Zac so I couldn’t tonight, “Sorry babe, I’m actually busy tonight, what about tomorrow?” I asked kissing her on the lips. She nodded and pulled me closer for the kiss. I didn’t realise the time and when we finally pulled apart, a few minutes had passed and Zac was standing across from us, waiting impatiently.

“I have to go, I’ll text you tonight” I pulled her in for a quick peck and ran across the courtyard to Zac.

“Sorry, I got caught up” I said feeling little guilty that I made him wait.

“I can see that, let’s go” he replied with a slight bit of irritation and started the car. He opened the car door for me and I slipped inside. I sighed, it has been too long since I had talked to him properly. I had resulted to avoiding him, because he was always with him…

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously looking out the window trying to find something familiar.

“Imagine park” he answered swiftly and turned the radio on to fuel the silence. I awkwardly tapped my fingers on the arm rest to the beat and let my eyes rest a little. In about ten minutes we had reached the park and parked the car. I slowly got up and out of the car following behind him.

He sat on the playground and indicated for me to sit next to him. I climbed up and sat down, “Zac, are you really with…him?” I started, actually dreading the answer for an unknown reason.

“Um yeah I like him and I want to be with him since…” he said pausing.

“Oh right, since what exactly?” my heart literally dropped at that moment and what if it was something unbearable to hear.

“Nothing important, do you still like Sophie?” he questioned, locking his eyes with mine.

“Of course I do, she’s my girlfriend you know” I told him, avoiding his eyes.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now