Chapter 16 ~ Some things aren't meant to be

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Ello ello ello, short time no read guys :)

Guess what, i read a Larry Stylinson fanfic till 2am the other day :O, was super tired that day >< but u know otp overules everything, including sleep ;) But once i start reading just cannot stop, its a problem i knoww >< but idc i love to read, so :D read my latest chapter

Anyways, i reached 100 fans YAYYAYAY and almost 3000 reads so keep going guys!

And please vote, comment, fan, do one and i will love you forever <3


Chapter 16

Some things aren’t meant to be

Aiden’s POV

He did it, he really did it. I watched him carefully, as he walked off before breaking into a run out of the school gates. I thought about going after him but I stopped myself, he would contact me if he wanted to talk. Otherwise, I’ll just wait a little while until he has had time to think.

I looked across the hall at Sophie, she was sitting flat against the lockers with her head in her hands. I frowned as I noticed how heartbroken she looked, I wanted to go over and comfort her. But I was scared she would hurt me when she found out why he broke with her. So I kept my distance, but then I watched her break out into a full on cry with all her make up running down her face. That's when I didn’t see anyone else approach her to help her, I did. I had the heart so I felt like it was the right thing to do. I walked slowly towards her and sat down beside her, concern written all over my face. 

“I’m sorry Sophie” she looked up at me with misery clear in her eyes.  I felt so bad, Xavier should have given her a reason, but I guess he was too nervous to tell her that as well. But i was also a part of this mess, it was partly my fault too. 

“I thought he loved me” she cried, her entire body shaking as more tears flowed. I put an arm around her body supporting her as she leaned against me.

“He does love you, as a best friend” I told her, trying to make a feel at least a little better.

“We were each other’s first love, how could he throw that all away” she sobbed, her body shaking more from the amount of crying she was doing.

“I’m sure he thought about it a lot before making a decision as big as that” I said attempting to reassure her.

“I was just unexpected, I really do love him” she guessed, leaning against the cool metal of the lockers.

“Me too” I muttered almost dreamily. 

“What did you say?” she asked, wiping her eyes from her recently fallen tears.

“Nothing, I said you can still be really good friends” I said quickly covering up a mishap.

“Yeah I guess that’s better than nothing” she admitted, fixing her hair and pulling her bag towards her. She really did bounce back fast from something as saddening as that. 

“Yup, come on let’s get you home” I stood up and helped her stand. I held her as she caught her balance and turned to me.

“Thanks Aiden, I can get home myself” she told me, half smiling.

“Ok if you’re sure...I’ll see you tomorrow” I said waving to her as she walked out of the school.

I leaned against the wall, woah that was pretty intense. I could see why Xavier fell for her, she was so understanding and nice, not to mention absolutely beautiful. I walked out a few minutes later, swinging my bag around my back. 

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