Chapter 4 ~ Missing You

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, just started school so i didn't really have the time and i was just lazy, but i'm done now, so this was going to be all one chapter this chapter and the next one which will be posted straight after this one, but i thought that i should split it, because it was quite long haha.

So hope you like it, this chapter shows a different side to Xavier and Aiden's feelings

Paradise xx


Chapter 4

Missing You

The friends thing is not working out as well as I thought it would. Basically anything he does, I can't stop thinking about and it's having an effect on me. 

I can't do anything about it, because we're friends and I know it's better than nothing. I actually can't believe he said yes to being my friend, after what happened...but he did...which was a surprise.

I kind of have a big crush on him. About time I admit that to myself. I have to stop denying the obvious feelings I have for him.

It's been a week since new year's and he is still constantly on my mind. I can't think about anything else, he's been invading my every thought.

I'm falling for him, hard and I want to be with him so bad, it's such an intense feeling to have. If only he felt the same way about me and he was the one with the secret crush. Who am I kidding? That would never happen, he will never like me as more than a friend. Well, now I'm just depressing myself.

Even though I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for him, I can't help it, I already am. Maybe promises are meant to be broken...well maybe just this time. I just hope no one gets hurt.

Just this morning, Sienna invited him over, after I subtly begged her to. It's not as bad as you think....well maybe it is.

I all but went on my knees, until she finally decided. I kept pestering her about the fact that she has no social life and the like, trying to get her to invite Xavier. When she went to invite someone else, I made her change her mind, convincing her otherwise.

I think I was being a little obvious, but I don't know. Finally she decided, after two hours of discussion. I know I could probably do it myself, but I was nervous, scared he wasn't serious about being friends. He came over not long after, Sienna called him. I was really fidgety; I hadn't seen him since the day we went out together, not in that way, I wish.

I was really nervous, I dressed casually but I looked good, going along with the opinion Amelia gave me. I did forgive her, a few days ago, after I calmed down about the fact that Xavier kissed her and not me. It wasn't her fault after all and I couldn't stay mad at her for long. Since we are best friends and even though we fight, we would always get back together.

Friendship is really important to me, so when I lose a friend, I become miserable. I like to keep the friends I have, they all hold a piece of my heart and form a big part of my life. Without them I wouldn't be the way I am, I need them.

I was at the front door, ready to open the door for him when he arrived. I sound hopelessly desperate, but the emotions that has built up over the week have become uncontrollable.

Hearing him pull up, I put my hand on the handle getting ready to open it. I heard the engine stop and his footsteps climbing up the stairs. Before he could ring the doorbell, I swung the door open, startling him. I smiled sheepishly while he looked at me with slightly widened eyes.

"Hey Aiden, haven't seen you in a while"

"Hi X-Xavier, I missed you..." I immediately gasped rather loudly at the comment and I turned red in embarrassment. I guess his comment kind of threw off my thinking, I really didn't mean to say that. I looked at him cautiously, he was smirking.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now