Chapter 11~ Happening Again

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Hii guys, updating a bit earlier than expected, well thats because i have a long weekend and i was excited that my book got 69 votes, which is now 70 >< kidding haha, i also got over 1200 reads now :P and my book is now on the short stories list #238, even though i swear it was at #114 -_- and it was on the romance list as well but not anymore >< doesnt matter reallybut it was coool.


Chapter 11

Happening Again

It's Monday again, it's been almost a week since the incident with Sophie and Xavier's confession. I haven't been to school and I haven't talked to anyone. The extent of my vocabulary that I've used is one worded replies only when absolutely necessary. My parents are actually coming back this weekend and that's the only thing I'm looking forward to. Sienna has tried multiple times to talk to me, but I just ignored her and kept to myself and stayed in my room all day.

Alex and Amelia have been over a few times too, but I refused to see them and locked my door. Zac even came once but I ignored him, just like everyone else. But, to my absolute delight there was no sign of Xavier. I had stayed in my room basically all week, all I've done is just depressingly go on the internet, eat and sleep.

I have to go to school today though, can't afford to miss any more work then I already have. Well, I guess since I'm not chasing after...him anymore I can focus on my studies. I'm not highly convinced going today would be a good idea, but I might as well, I'm actually getting really bored being home alone.

Sienna like every day asked if I wanted to go to school. She didn't understand what happened but she respected my decisions. "Aiden, are you coming to school today, it's been a week..."

"I'm coming" I replied monotonously. Sighing as I ran around my room trying to find my clothes and school stuff.

"Really?, Omg ok I'll be downstairs" I heard her footsteps leave.

I slowly dressed and put all my school books in my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and had a quick look in the mirror. One look was all it took, I looked like a complete mess. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to give it a natural look. I gave a frustrated grunt, I looked horrible, nowhere near presentable for school. I don't care, no point making an effort anyway.

I had one last look around my room, making sure I didn't forget anything. Giving a slight nod of the head I went downstairs and entered the kitchen. My balance faltered significantly as Sienna attacked me with a hug. I hugged her back awkwardly and removed myself from her. "I haven't seen you in ages!" she shouted then paused, worry etched all over her face, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine" I said dismissively, I couldn't tell her anything, he was best friends with her.

"Like hell you are, just tell me I thought you trusted me" she said with a concerned look, "Look Aiden, I know something happened and I know its about Xavier" she said with a sad sigh, "Please, talk to me"

"I-I can't Sienna, I'm not ready" I said with a sad tone and walked out of the house at a fast pace. I rested against the car, I couldn't bring myself to relive that heart breaking moment again, it would only bring me to tears. I turned and placed my forehead against the cool glass, I had to calm down. I took a few breaths and slipped into the car. Sienna locked the front door and climbed into the car not long after.

One awkward silent car ride later, we arrived at school. I gave the area the once over and got out of the car. I slammed the door shut and left my sister to lock it. I could feel a few stares as I walked up to my locker. I looked back behind me and saw my sister talk to Zac. Was there something going on between them? Maybe. They walked in through the doors behind me and I turned back around continuing on my way. I shoved all my books in my locker and turned around to face two people. I looked away slightly nervous.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now