Chapter 5 ~ Confrontations and a fangirl

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Hey, this is the next chapter right away as promised :) Hope you guys liked it, because i liked how this one turned out haha :)


I think I have to at least attempt to tell my sister the truth about me. It's time to come out to Sienna, I'm really nervous. Just the thought of it, is making me feel faint, but this was necessary. I can't lie to her any longer, we are closer than that. We are really a really great brother and sister duo. I just hope that she accepts me and doesn't care what my sexuality is.

I peek out of my room, into the hallway, I slightly glimpsed Xavier going into the bathroom. After a second of calming my nerves, I slipped into the hall and lightly knocked on the door, before slightly opening it. My nerves were overpowering me, I was close to running back to my room, hide under my bed, instead of doing this.

This had to be done, and I couldn't let second thoughts stop me from doing this. I opened it enough for me to slip in and I stepped into the room, admiring how colourful and crazy it was. I watched Sienna, she was on her laptop, listening to music.

I should scare her, I laughed quietly in anticipation as I crept up on her, I go to tap her when she immediately turns around and locks eyes with me. It startles me so much, that I trip over myself and fall on my ass. I glare at her, "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes, you were going to do the same thing anyway and my music is not on so I could hear you. Its just a force of habit to have these in" she told me as she pulled out her earphones.

"I guess, well um S-Sienna can I talk to you, it's really important" I fidgeted with my hands as I sat down on her bed, waiting for her to join me.

"Well, I guess I can spare the time, little bro, so what's up"

I nervously locked eyes with her, my cheeks blushing a light shade, "I-I like someone" I let out a loud breath as I told her, it wasn't even half of it yet and I was once again feeling like running away. I searched her eyes for any signs, I watched her facial expressions closely.

I could see a big grin quickly forming on her face, should I really have told her, oh here it comes. "OMG, my baby bro has a crush, a C R U S H, Aiden's in love, L O V E loveeeee"

I cringed on the outside as well as the inside as I heard her display of happiness. "Shut up!" I sighed in defeat, this torture, its going to be never ending but at least I told her half of what I intended.

"Who is the lucky one? It's your first crush" she asked with a twinkle in her eye and a slighty crazy grin. I eyed her and moved over a little, she was getting a bit too creepy.

To be honest, Xavier is actually my first crush, I have had a few relationships in the past, but it never lasted long, I never really liked them as much as they liked me.

This time though I was the one doing the chasing, not the other way around. I glanced at my sister, my nervousness hitting a high, this was the moment of truth. I opened my mouth to tell her I was gay but I was suddenly interrupted by Xavier stepping inside.

All my courage vanished right there as he entered, my nerves exploded, I locked eyes with Sienna, internally telling her I couldn't with him around. She lightly nodded in understanding, "I got to go, bye guys" I quickly exited the room without another word.

I went back into my room once again, I can't believe I told Sienna that, just another secret I've told her. I really can trust her, more than anyone else. She has always been there for me and hopefully always will be. But I still cant believe I didn't tell her the most important part, that I was gay.

But she did say who is the lucky one, not girl, which is interesting, does she already know, it's debatable. Next chance I get I will tell her, may it be tonight, tomorrow or next week. Timing is everything in these type of situations.

I will tell her, eventually....

I collapsed on the bed, but before I could relax, there was knock on the door, yelling a come in, I slumped back onto the bed.

It was none other than Sienna, did that mean I had to tell her now?

"Aiden, what else were you going to tell me and who was it that you liked?" she asked looking me square in the eye, I looked away nervously, I thought I had escaped from a confrontation like this. But I was sadly mistaken, she would never let something like this go.

"I'm-I'm gay" I whispered the last part very quietly, that I wasn't sure if she heard me. I quickly looked up and made eye contact with her. My heart was beating erratically as I waited for her reaction, my heart was slowly plummeting as I got no reply. "Sienna..." My voice cracked in between, what is she thinking?

"OMG, SERIOUSLY, you have got to be kidding me! I've been obsessively shipping boys together for the last year or so and NOW I HAVE A GAY BROTHER!! This is like a dream come true" She let out a shriek as she kept rambling on.

I watched her carefully as she went on her rant, so... she wasn't mad, that's fantastic. I let out a breath of air as I could feel my heart go back to beating at its normal pace. I felt so relieved. She accepts me and not only that but she loves it. I could feel a small awkward smile forming on my face as I lent in to give her a hug.

"I love you Sienna, thank you so much for everything" I squeezed her once more before moving back a little. This went pretty well, better than expected.

"Does that mean your first crush is a guy?" I could see the fangirl grin she had, I couldn't imagine what could be going through her head right now. I nodded at her in response. "So who is it?"

I leaned into her ear, "X-Xavier" I quickly moved away, she had a really wide eyes look and a surprised expression. Did I tell her too much in one go, maybe...

"You don't mean..." she glanced at me in concern

"Yeah..." I looked away blushing a little in embarrassment

She gave me a look that I knew all too well, "I know Sienna, he is straight, we are just friends and he would never like me like that, I just can't change my feelings for him"

"Exactly Xavier, he is going to hurt you, I know he is, I don't want to see you like that Aiden"

After everything that has happened today, all those occurrences with Xavier. I think it's time to make a move, waiting any longer will just lessen my chances. It's time.

"I'm sorry Sienna, but it's just a risk I'm going to have to take and I-I've decided to make him fall for me"

"What! Are you crazy, this is not going to end well" She facepalmed and slid her hand down her face. "But, if you're being serious about this I'll help you"

I smiled happily, "I'm 100% serious about doing this, so any ideas?" I looked at her hopefully.

"I've got one" she gave me a somewhat disturbing smile as she hurridly left the room without even a goodbye. What has she got up her sleeve.

Not even a few minutes later, there was a few loud noises, as someone knocked on my door. The door is forcefully pushed open as Xavier is pushed through the opening and he falls face first on the floor. Sienna throws in some bags and a pillow, she gives me a wink and mouths you're welcome. My mouth hangs open in shock, you have got to be kidding me, no way.

I hear a loud groan as I focus back on Xavier, he slowly picks himself up. I flinch at his groan, licking my lips. He picks up his stuff and throws it on my double bed. "It seems like we'll be sleeping together" he gives me an almost flirty grin and a wink. Then I can't help but stare as he takes off his shirt, my eyes immediately lock in, on his body. It takes a lot of effort to pull my eyes away and I could feel my face burning a bright red.

Sienna I'm going to either kiss you or kill you for this. 


Next Chapter will be soon, a while, because of school, but i will try my best, comment vote and fan and I will love you forever hehe

Paradise xoxo

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