Chapter 18 ~ Flashback to then

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Hii~Sorry guys, i was busy with the start of a new school semester >< im going crazy this month, thinking about the future D: and my grades. ~Stress 

Also been getting obsessed with Tumblr more, the excitement !! If you have it and wouldnt mind can you please go follow :DD will love you so much for it :D

Another thing, anyone been watching this new swimming anime called free!? its so amazing, the guys are all hot and so yummy~ ehe so go check it out if you want

Thx for all the votes last time, so what about those comments ;) Best song ever by 1D over there


Chapter 18

Flashback to then

Aiden’s POV

I bit my lip as happiness swept through my whole body. I floated through the rest of my classes, daydreaming and grinning stupidly though the whole day.  By the time I got home, it was like I was floating and over the clouds. The week flew by relatively quickly, unable to control my imagination if someone asked me, I most likely wouldn’t able to recall anything from the past week.

My mind was set on Xavier and him only. I teased him a little, or more like a lot. Refusing to let him kiss me or touch me in anyway. A quick brush of my lips against his and a slight touch of his hand was the most I let him have. I could tell he was frustrated and was like a lost puppy desperate for some attention. I wasn’t planning on letting it go on much longer but I just wanted our first real kiss to be special. I wanted everything to have some meaning and for it to be a memorable moment. To me, firsts were really important in a relationship.

I was too shy to actually tell him I wanted our first kiss to be special, so I acted, pretending not to notice his longing looks he shot at me all day. I smiled to myself, looking across at him in the hallway. He turned and connected our eyes, I stuck my tongue out at him and put my head down laughing at his surprised look. I peeked out from behind my hands giving him a cheeky grin. He blew me a kiss and I winked back at him.

“You guys are so cute!” Amelia told me giggling into her hand. I gently bumped her into Alex, unmoving him from his staring. I noticed he was distracted looking over at Sienna, Zac and Xavier. Specifically Zac I believe, he looked over a few times at us, totally ignoring the conversation he was having.

“Amelia can you give me a minute, I want to talk to Alex alone” I told her, giving her a look telling it was important.

“Sure, I’ll be right back” he replied, walking away towards where Sienna stood.

“Why did you do that?” Alex asked, I didn’t reply and just took him by the hand dragging him towards the trees at the side of the school.

“I’ve let this go on too long, what’s going on between you and Zac, because I know there is something” 

“You’re just imagining it, I’m just not that close with him as I am with the others”

“Are you sure that’s all, well then we should hang out together more with them”

“I guess…but I think I can’t be friends with him at all anymore”

What was he getting at, there is something more that he wasn’t telling me. He was being so edgy which was unlike himself. What was so bad that he had to lie to me, we’re best friends. He shouldn’t be keeping secrets from him.

“Why Alex, what are you leaving out?”

“It’s nothing Aiden, believe me, it’s over; I’m going to go find Amelia, I’ll see you later” he rushed out quickly and went out of my sight to find her.

I Hart you too [boyxboy] CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now