Chapter 3: Intruder or Mate?

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This chapter has been edited!! If I missed anything, please let me know!

Above: Lucas's wolf but his has royal blue eyes and not orange-yellow!

3 days later:

Lucas's POV-

Today was like any other day since I became Alpha of the Spirit Lake Pack 3 weeks ago on my 18th birthday. It was boring, full of paperwork, and no excitement. Not even one rouge attack! But right now I was in my office doing a shit-load of paperwork. It was so boring I thought my brain would melt. But it was my job as Alpha to get it done, and mine alone.

"How the hell did my dad do all of this?" I whisper yelled in frustration, while trying to concentrate on a very large electric bill, that was over 1,000 dollars. But having around 500 people in your pack influences it to great extent. Thank the Moon Goddess that my family is rich. After a few more minutes I checked the time on my phone. 5:30. I've been doing paperwork for 3 hours straight! There was still a hell of a lot to do. I sighed in frustration, knowing I'd have to do the same thing tomorrow. Work my ass off and get everything done.

My stomach decided to growl then, and that's when I realized just how starving I was. I rubbed my slightly sleepy eyes and made my way to the main kitchen. It took a minute, I mean the pack house is 5 stories, so it makes sense. As I was going to the main kitchen, whenever I would pass someone in the halls they would bow their heads and mutter "Alpha". The first few times I thought my dad was around, but I would look around and he wouldn't be there. All in all, I would finally realize that they were talking to me and I would make myself look like an idiot. Let's just say I'm still getting used to people calling me "Alpha". But whenever I did think of my dad, only a painful weight would sit on my chest. But let's not talk about that right now, shall we?

Once I finally got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and looked for something good to eat. After a minute I seen leftover pork chops. I threw a couple on a plate and tossed them into the microwave. As I was waiting for my food to heat up, my Beta/best friend, and his mate Emma, walked in. Sam (the Beta), was my age, 6'2, a little less muscular than me, and he had short brown hair and vibrant green eyes. Emma however was 17, 5'8, with long blonde hair that went to her waist, and blue-gray eyes. They were of course, holding hands.

"Hey man, how's it been?" Sam asked, sitting at the huge island. Sam and I have been friends since middle school, and we have TONS of trust for each other. That was one of the reasons why I offered him to be my Beta. He could rely on me and I could rely on him. He also gave great advice and he was a very good second in command.

"Boring, you?" I responded. He chuckled and took Emma's hand in his.

"Nothing exciting", he answered. He then gave Emma a small kiss on the cheek, making her blush and giggle madly. I rolled my eyes in amusement. I then felt a small pang of jealousy towards them. I wish my mate was here, so that I could do the same thing to him/her. Did I forget to mention? I'm pansexual, so I don't care what gender my mate will be. Hell, I don't even care about their role, type of Supernatural, or if they're a human, I'll still love them with all my heart, body, and soul. I frowned at that. I had been looking for my mate for 3 years, ever since I turned 15. Hell, even my dad took me to other packs during celebrations while he was still Alpha. We did this in hopes of finding my mate. But we never had any luck. Most of the mate-less girls tried to act all flirty and slutty around me in case they were my mate. All that did was make me extremely uncomfortable though.

Just then the microwave beeped, snapping me out of my train of thought. Happy for the distraction, I carefully took the hot plate and sat down beside Sam. As if he had heard my previous thoughts, he opened his mouth-

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