Chapter 5: Tensions & Trust

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AN: This is my cat. We call her Porch Kitty because before we moved to our new house our neighbors threw her out of the house in the middle of winter in the freezing cold. So we made a nice area for her on our porch and she's been with us ever since. We can't bring her into our house because my step dad hates cats but only puts up with her because of mom. He's not mean to her btw. We call her Porch Kitty because we don't know her actual name. Anyways back to the story.

Present Time-

Lucas's POV-

I slowly started to raise my hands in surrender. I had no intention of being killed by my mate. So I took a deep breath and looked him right in the eye.

"We mean you no harm", I said, truthfully. "All we want is to ask you some questions." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Then why the hell did your pack members try to attack me?" he spat with venom. Fair point.

"I promise you; I didn't order them to", I answered. "Cassandra, did you order them to attack him?" She shifted into her human form. While human, Cassandra was a 25-year-old, 5'10 woman, with flowing blonde hair, and mysterious grey eyes. You could clearly see the muscles on her arms and legs, and she gave off the "don't fuck with me" vibe. She was one of the strongest women in the pack, so she was respected. Her wolf had almost pure white fur, but she had small dashes of grey. Her eyes remained grey as a wolf too.

"Yes Alpha, I gave the order to attack", she replied. I growled a little, making her look at me with a tiny hint of fear in her eyes.

"Without confirming with me first?" I asked, my anger slowly rising. "You do realize that because of that stupid decision, you could have cost me my mate?" Everyone gave me a wide-eyed look, then glanced at the mage. Cassandra immediately dropped to her knees and began apologizing furiously. The other wolves bowed their heads in shame, knowing what they could have done.

"So, it's true then?" the mage whispered. "What I felt was the mate bond. I'm your mate". I look back at him, seeing that he had lowered his staff (which was no longer glowing), and was giving me a questioning look.

Max's POV-

So, he didn't order his pack to attack me... it was that woman, Cassandra. I mean, I don't blame her at all. Seeing a random mage in your territory would make anyone hostile. I won't take revenge, as it was just a huge misunderstanding. Although I will be more cautious around her from now on, that's for sure.

"Apparently so", the Alpha responded. "It seems that the Moon Goddess has plans for us".

"I suppose so", I said with a shrug. "I wonder if Demeter had anything to do with this."

"Demeter?" he asked, giving me a puzzled look that made him look adorable- no bad Max! Do not call him adorable! You don't even know him! Don't you dare call him that, at least not yet! As I shoved those thoughts to the back of my head I answered him, full of pride. By now it seems like we've forgotten the other werewolves in the clearing.

"Demeter is the main goddess we mages worship", I explained. "She is the Goddess of Nature and the Harvest. We worship many other gods, but she is our main deity". Lucas nodded in understanding. 

"I forget that other Supernatural races worship other gods", he said. "I thought that the only god worshipped was Selene, the Moon Goddess". I laughed and shrugged. 

"You learn something new every day", I said. Gods... this conversation is awkward. 

"But even if your goddess had a hand in this, I don't expect you to act on the bond right away" he said. "We just met" he chuckled. His laugh was like sweet music to my ears. Haha corny as hell!

"Yeah, that would be a bit weird", I agreed. "Thanks for not making me be with you right away and giving me time". I gave him a warm smile. I think I could trust him.

"It's no problem, I wouldn't want to be forced into a relationship either", he assured me.

I sighed with relief. We had acknowledged the mate bond, but we agreed not to rush anything. It was sweet of him to give me space.

"If it's alright with you, we could go back to our pack house", said the alpha. "I have a few questions to ask you, but in private.

"Of course," I replied. He told Cassandra to rise, making me become aware of my surroundings again. She apologized again and shifted to her wolf. He waved her off, slightly annoyed. I then realized that I didn't even know the alphas name.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Lucas Williams, Alpha of the Spirit Lake Pack", he answered proudly. Lucas... I like that name. "Yours?"

"Maxwell Lavellen, but please call me Max", I said. Lucas grinned.

"Max. Nice name", he said. He them went wide-eyed and face-palmed himself.

"It's quicker to get to the pack house as wolves, but you aren't a werewolf" he said. I rolled my eyes in amusement. I'm not a werewolf, duh. But I have magic, so I don't need to be one. To prove my point, I put my duffel bag on the ground, and transformed into a pure white wolf in a puff of white smoke. The stunned look on Lucas's face was priceless as he admired me. He was clearly impressed. I motioned with my head to lead the way and picked my duffel up with my mouth. He then shifted into his wolf form. He started to walk East, out of the clearing and into the forest, then broke into a run. I was close behind him, faster than the others who were following us. I noticed that I wasn't much smaller than him as a wolf. I was a little smaller then him and the Beta, but bigger than the others. But he was the only one to beat me at speed. We continued to run for a few minutes until we reached a huge clearing, with the Spirit Lake pack house.

To be continued...

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