Chapter 18: Training,Hostages,& Power

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AN: There is a scene that relates to Once Upon a Time, and this symbol "◇" will signal it! Also, MASSIVE shout out to YOLOwriting101 for giving me inspiration for this chapter and helping me write it! And hey phoenix-2 love you besties! Anyways, back to the story lol.

This chapter has been edited!!

Later that day:

Max's POV-

We were at the outdoor training area, and I was about to shift into my wolf for the first time. Winter was going nuts, wanting more than anything to meet his new mate officially.

"Focus on your wolf", Lucas instructed. "Allow him to take over, and don't fight the shift, no matter how bad the pain is, because it will be painful." Doing as he said, I closed my eyes and focused on Winter, and allowed him to take full control. Shimmers of pain began to shoot all throughout my body. I felt the bones in my legs break, making me cry loudly in pain. Lucas came to my side at once and rubbed circles on my palm, the sparks and tingles from his touch calming me a little and slightly numbing the pain. It still felt excruciating though, like fire was burning me on the inside. I closed my eyes as more bones began to break and rearrange themselves, causing more agonizing pain. Snow-white fur began to sprout from my body, replacing my clothes. A few minutes later, when it really felt like hours, I was laying on the ground, fully shifted into my wolf. Lucas shifted into his wolf and bumped me with his nose.

I tried talking to him, but after a few attempts I realized that only small barks and grunts came out of my muzzle.

"Use the mind link, Whiteout", Lucas said, his voice in my head. "Focus on me in your mind and talk to me." I closed my eyes and focused on Lucas's mind. Using magic would be easier, but I shouldn't rely on my powers for everything, or it will become a crutch.

"You're insanely sexy", I said in my head, still concentrating on Lucas. "And Shade is extremely gorgeous." I heard a light laugh pop into my head.

"Thanks, Whiteout", Lucas said. "Shade and I think that you and Winter are the most beautiful beings in the universe in every way, shape, or form." If I was still in my human form, I would be blushing like a madman. "Now, try to stand, but take your time." Doing as he said, I slowly raised myself off of the grass. But as soon as I was standing on all four legs, my legs gave out and I landed with a giant THUD on the ground. I let out a snort in frustration. Lucas came up to me and touched his wolf nose with mine.

"Try again, Max", Lucas encouraged. "You can do it." With a determined grunt, I slowly raised myself off of the ground again. Once I was standing on all fours, I just stood still, trying to keep my balance.

"Good", Lucas said. "Now, very slowly, and carefully, take a step forward." Taking a breath, I slowly raised my front leg and took a step forward. I wobbled a little but remained standing. I continued taking small steps, and eventually quickened my pace. I took larger steps, and pretty soon, I was walking in my wolf form without losing my balance. Lucas walked up to me and brushed his muzzle with my own.

"You're doing amazing, Whiteout", Lucas praised. I licked his nose, making him laugh through the mind link. He then suddenly pounced on me, catching me by surprise. He had me pinned, me on my back, his slightly larger wolf frame keeping me in place. He then decided to lick my face all over. I let out many laugh-like yips, and eventually managed to shove him off. I gave him a playful glare and pounced on him. We rolled over a few times, eventually landing with Lucas pinning me again. We both laughed through the mind link, both of us enjoying the play-fight we just had. Lucas rolled off me and laid in the grass, but I wanted to keep playing.

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