Chapter 4: Nightmares & Soulmates

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AN: The dog above is my dog and she is my best friend I love her so much and the best part is she listens to me better than anyone else! Completely random but I thought I'd share something about myself! Her name is Ryder, but her nickname is Moose! Isn't she pretty?! Anyway back to the story!

Several Hours Prior-

Max's POV-

In Max's Nightmare-

Run. Thats all I could process at that second. Just run. They were closing in, ready to either posses me or kill me.

I was in a meadow, surrounded by the forest, with lush flowers of many kinds and different colors. As I explored the meadow I was approached by 3 spirits. They were of Compassion, Wisdom, and Command. All were spirits of good, so I suspected nothing was wrong. But I was concerned for them because they were in our world and not in the Fade.

"Greetings my child, what brings you here?" asked Command.

"I was only exploring, nothing more", I answered truthfully. "This place is very beautiful".

"Thank you", said Compassion."Would you like to stay for a while?" I thought about it for a minute. It was almost dusk, so I needed to get back to my camp.

"No thank you, I'm only passing through" I answered. Anger flashed in their eyes, making me raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"We won't allow you to leave", said Wisdom, voice almost a growl. I started to back away slowly.

"Let's show him what we really are!" yelled Command. Then the spirits began transforming, into true horrors. Demons. Wisdom became a Pride demon, Compassion became a Rage demon, and Command became a Fear demon. Once they were fully transformed they started to approach me. I did the only thing that my mind would allow to process... attack. I waved my hands, trying to sommon an ice storm. But it didn't work. I tried throwing fireballs at the demons. I couldn't even produce a flicker of flame. I started to panic, realizing that the demons had blocked my magic. I began to run back to the forest, the demons chasing me. I was almost to the trees when I was tripped. I then got electrocuted. The Pride demon had created a chain of lightning and thre it at me, tripping me and electrocuting me in the process.

The Rage demon then made a ring of fire, trapping me inside the wall of flames with them. The Fear demons then made 2 enormous spiders appear from thin air, making me start to hyperventilate. The Pride demon made another lightning chain, threw it, wrapped it around my legs, and started to drag me towards them. I couldn't move or speak. I just let it happen, coming to terms with my death. The demon dragged me until I was at its feet. It then made made 2 more lightning chains, raised them above its head, and crashed them on my body. I screamed.

End of Nightmare

I jolted awake, shaking and gasping for breath. My heart was racing, threatening to burst out of my chest. After a few minutes I calmed down, and looked up at the sky. The sun was at its highest, so I guessed it was around noon or so. I didn't bring my phone with me, I didn't see the point in having it, so I really didn't know for the time sure. My stomach growled at me, so I got some apple slices (honey crisp because the others are trash) and a jar of peanut butter out of my bag, dipped one of the apple slices into the peanut butter and took a huge bite.

I kept replaying the night-terror in my head, over and over again, trying to figure out what it could mean. It felt so real, so vivid. I shoved the night-terror to the back of my head. There's no point in working myself up over a dream that probably means nothing. I finished the apple slices and peanut butter and began to pack my things back into my duffel. I needed to keep moving. The night-terror kept bothering me though. I needed to clear my head. I had heard of a lake a few hours from here. There was a legend that powerful, but kind spirits lived in its waters. They were very said to be very wise, so I decided to see if the legend was real and speak with them. Maybe they could explain my night-terror.

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