Chapter 21: Pasts & Figure 8s

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Lucas's POV-

"Let's go to the couch", I suggested. Max nodded and led me to our living room. We sat down facing each other, Max giving me his full attention.

"We were attacked by hunters", I stated. "It was a small group from the Northern part of the state. Still dangerous nonetheless. They had discovered our territory, and wanted to attempt at wiping us out. The group had small numbers, but deadly weapons. Wolfsbane, silver knives, and different types of poisons. We met then around a mile away from the pack house, and we immediately broke into a fight. I remember my father leading the warriors into battle with full force. I was only 17 at the time, so I was still learning small things within my Alpha training. But I still fought with determination, and I came out of the battle unscathed. My father, Anthony, however, wasn't as lucky. While he was fighting with a hunter, another snuck up behind him. The fucker managed to slice his wolf's back with a silver knife, coated in wolfsbane, and the wolfsbane was mixed with a poison made from hemlock. I took both of those hunters, and crushed them between my teeth. I tried to get my dad to stand, but he wouldn't move. The wolfsbane was already taking a toll on his body. After th fight was over, we rushed him to the hospital."

"Alice tried her hardest to save him, but she was unsuccessful", I went on, my eyes beginning to flood with tears. "He died of his injuries after two days of painful suffering in the hospital. His mate, my mother, Jane, took his death the worst out of all of us. She tried to take my dad's place as Alpha, since I still wasn't of age. It was too horrible for her to bear, as doing my dad's job reminded her of him too much. Around a month before my Alpha Ceremony, my mother had drank an entire vial of liquid wolfsbane, so she could join my father in the afterlife. She died hours later, of the wolfsbane, and of heartbreak."

I, by now, was crying silently. Max wrapped his arms around me and let me bury my face into the crook of his neck. His sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar cookies calmed me slightly, as my soft cries reduced to trembling breaths after a while. Max ran his fingers through my hair on the back of my head, and was using his other hand to gently rub my back.

"This is kind of like a Figure 8", Max said after a while of depressing silence.

"How so?" I asked, slight confusion in my voice.

"It seems like every time we turn around, one of us is telling the other about horrible events that happened in our past", he explained. "It seems like one of us would talk about bad events from their past, then there is peace for a while, then the other would tell a horrific event from their life. It's like a Figure 8 because of that. It is a constant cycle that never changes, and it can be very difficult to break. But I love talking about things like this with you. It feels nice when I get those things off of my chest, and I appreciate when you confide in me. It helps me feel like a good mate when I help you with things like this."

"Max, you are far more precious to me than anyone, and you don't have to listen to my life struggles to be that precious", I said, taking my hand in his. "Although, it is very appreciated." I gave him a sly grin.

Max chuckled, then leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back, and it felt heavenly. His honey-like lips were extremely addictive, and they were all for me! No one can kiss him but me! Clara can kiss my ass!

Grinning against Max's lips, I kept passionately kissing him. Max made me feel more loved than anyone else I knew, and he always made me smile whenever I felt gloomy. His sarcastic, sweet, and shy personality was the best thing about him. It practically rolled off of him in waves, almost like he was emitting his aura in a sense. That, and also he is super cute! His light ocean-blue eyes, his fluffy brunette hair, and his soft and slightly pale skin always made me go weak at the knees. The gods must have smiled upon me once to give me Max as my mate. I know I have said this over and over, but I can't help it. He's just so perfect, and I wouldn't want anyone else but him. I saved my everything for Max. My first kiss, my first date, and of course my virginity. But, that last one can wait a while if needed.

"I love you", Max said as he pulled away. His eyes then turned a very bright gold color, letting me know that his wolf, Winter, had surfaced.

"I love you too", Winter said, his voice a bit deeper than Max's. He purred as I cupped my hand on Max's cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.

"I love both of you too", I replied. Shade clawed at me to get control, so I allowed him to. I was pushed back as I watched while Shade was in control.

"As do I", Shade said, his voice deeper and more husky than mine. With both of our wolves still surfaced, they smashed our lips together. They gave us control after a moment of fierce making out. The sparks were flying all across my body, and I could tell Max could feel them too.

As we pulled apart to breath, I buried my nose into the crook of his neck, inhaling his delicious scent in long and deep breaths.

"You're mine Max", I said, my voice a little husky. "Always and forever."

"And you're mine Lucas", Max responded. "Always and forever." We both smiled like idiots, and shared another sweet, passionate kiss.

To be continued...

AN: A little short, but still vital. Anyways I was going to update, then I decided to not update and go to bed. Now... well I've updated lmaooo. Anyways, I'm going to bed for real now hahaha. Please comment any spelling and grammar errors! You all mean so much to me!

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