Chapter 26: Distractions & Jewels

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AN: The picture above is the spot where the date will take place!

Two days later, on Max's Birthday:

Lucas's POV-

I made sure to get up very early this morning. It was around 6am and I was already dressed, my teeth were brushed, and I had my shoes on. But I stopped for a moment to write Max a note. "Happy Birthday my love. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you woke up, but I promise I will make up for it tonight. This rose is only the beginning." I sat the note on the kitchen counter, and I sat a red rose next to it. I went back to our bedroom, gave Max a peck on the forehead, and then I made my way outside. Sam was already there, waiting for me, and he shot me a grin.

"Ready to get started?" he asked. I grinned back at him.

"Hell yes", I said. Sam chuckled and we shifted into our wolves, then we ran in the direction of the lake. But that wasn't where we were going. We were going somewhere even better than the lake.

Once we got to the lake, I led Same near the large boulder, and showed him that there was a small dirt path that led away from the clearing. It was hard to spot unless you looked closely, but I've known about this path for almost a year now. I led the way down the narrow path, Sam close to my tail. After a few minutes of walking down the path, Sam and I ended up at another small clearing, however this particular clearing was quite special to me.

In the clearing, complete with a small beach, was a waterfall, and the waterfall crashed into a small river that flowed into the lake upstream. It was a beautiful place, and it helped me find peace and comfort after my parents died. Sam whistled in awe.

"Damn, I can see why you would bring Max here", he said. "It's breath-taking."

"It was a haven for me for a time", I said. "It provided comfort and a place for me to distract myself." I sighed, but shoved my slightly growing sadness aside and focused on something that instantly brightened my mood: Max's birthday. "Come on, let's go get the things we need to set everything up. If everything goes well, we should get done around nine at the latest."

"It's 6:21 right now", Sam said, checking his phone. "So let's go!" I grinned and we shifted into our wolves and we ran back to the pack house. Once we got there, we shifted back.

"I have fairy lights and a large white banner", I said. "You grab the wireless speakers and some markers. And grab a few packs of those. I'll meet you outside." Sam nodded and I went to my office to get the fairy lights and banner, while Sam went to one of the storage closets to get the other stuff. I quietly opened the oak doors to my office and rummaged through the desk. I opened a drawer and pulled out the banner, the fairy lights, and some batteries.

I quietly crept out of the office and made my way downstairs, and out the front door. Sam was waiting for me outside, and he gave me a nod and we started to walk back to the waterfall, but thats when a thought came to me.

"We sound get the ladder from the cellar", I suggested. "That way we have an easier time hanging the lights and banner from the trees."

"Good idea", Sam said. "Let's go get it." Sam and I walked to the cellar doors and quietly opened them. We decended the stairs and found the ladder on the ground, just off to the side. Since we moved that Mage, or now Tranquil, somewhere else, we didn't run into him. Don't worry, he's alive. We aren't that heartless. He's just somewhere where he can't cause trouble. We sat the other supplies on the steps and lifted the ladder onto our right shoulders. Holding the ladder securely, we picked up the other supplies with our left hands and slowly climbed the stairs. We stepped into the early morning sunlight and we closed the doors with our feet. Then we began hiking back to the waterfall.

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