Chapter 31: Finale

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Max's POV- 

A Few Weeks Later: 

There was peace in the Spirit Lake Pack. 

It had been a few weeks since we destroyed Clara and my father. The pack spent all day the day after to celebrate and rejoice in our victory. I felt immense relief, as though a few weights were lifted off of each of my shoulders. I no longer feared over Mason's safety, I no longer was anxious about Lucas being taken from me. I was calm, and happy. Hell, you could call me serene even. It was the middle of the afternoon, and we had just received the papers from the city to adopt Mason, Lucas and I immediately signed them, and the pack house had already been inspected, by another werewolf of course. She had given us the good news, saying that we were suitable for adopting Mason. Luckily, Lucas had a couple of friends of his father in the agency, so the process was sped up quite a lot. As soon as those papers got to city hall, Lucas and I would be the official parents of Mason. Mason was beyond excited, as he declared we play hide and seek outside to celebrate. And that is what we were doing currently. 

"Ok now, come on out", I said, walking around the pack house again. They weren't anywhere to be found, but after a moment I heard a very low chuckle, that was cut off immediately. I smirked and walked over to the garage, that was only a few feet away from me. I snickered and I walked up the Lucas's truck, and I opened it up, and all three of us laughed hysterically as they came tumbling out of the truck. Mason landed on top of Lucas, and both couldn't catch their breath. These are my dorks everyone! 

"Well, I found you guys!" I said, still giggling. 

"Let me guess, you used magic?" Lucas teased, grinning at me. 

"Nope! You are just a horrible hider!" I teased back, making him chuckle and shake his head. As if they were all in sync, all three of our stomachs grumbled, and we all laughed lightly. "Lunch time?" Mason and I nodded, and we went into the pack house and up to our floor. Mason went to play in his room, which he designed himself. It had a nice twin sized bed, plenty of stuffed animals and toys, and stickers of Disney characters on his light blue walls. At first it was a storage room, but Lucas and I cleaned it out and made it Mason's room. It was one door down from my alchemy room, and I had protective enchantments on his room to keep him safe at night. But anyways, now back to lunch time. 

We decided to whip up some easy cheeseburgers, and Mason insisted on helping. We weren't about to say no to him, as learning to cook is vital to everyone. We all washed our hands and I got out the ground beef and seasoned it with salt and pepper, and I added a bit of garlic powder for a little extra flavor. Lucas got out the condiments, like ketchup, mustard, pickles, etc. Mason got out plates and a fork for the pickles, along with some chips for a side. I formed a few patties and dropped them into a hot pan with olive oil. As the burgers cooked, we all chatted and just talked about stupid things. After several minutes, I flipped the burgers and gave them another several minutes before turning off the heat and letting them cool a little. Luckily Mason wasn't a picky eater, so he had a bit of everything on his burger, except for onions. That's definitely my child. Onions are GROSS! We all ate, discussing the future and how today was so far. Lucas and I also flirted with each other in the mind link. I think we were going to have some spicy time later, and I was excited. We also talked about my father and how he had manipulated me into thinking he mourned my mother's death, when he was the one who caused it. We didn't talk on that very much though. 

We finished lunch, and Lucas washed the dishes. We shared a passionate kiss when Lucas was done with the dishes, and Mason had run off to play with his friends downstairs, which we were fine with. Today was another great day. I had my mate by my side, Mason was happy, and things were well. 

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