Chapter 16: Visions, Deities & Bites

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Max's POV-

In Max's Nightmare;

I was running, desperate. I couldn't find Lucas anywhere. I was in the forest, except it was on fire. There were bodies everywhere in the area I was in, almost every single one burned and charred. I was in the clearing where I met Lucas, and I still had no luck. Thats when I realized I wasn't alone.

They were all around me. A tight circle of them surrounded me, with no openings to possibly escape through. I watched in horror as demons of all kinds, and mages, with eyes burning with hatred advanced on me. Demons of Pride, Despair, Rage, Fear, and even Wisp Wraiths, were bound to the mages with red magical cords. This must be blood magic!

"Bind him!" a woman's voice rung out through the army. Several mages raised their staves, and ropes shot out of them. The ropes coiled like snakes around me, causing me to drop my staff and fall to my knees. I tried to use an unbinding spell, but it was useless. After a few attempts I realized that my powers were blocked. As I struggled, acid green smoke formed in front of me, and when it cleared, it revealed a young woman with forest green eyes and long black hair.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I demanded. She giggled, her laugh sickeningly sweet.

"Clara Westwood, my dear Maxwell Lavellen", she answered. "We were meant to be married before your father stupidly banished you. But now, I can finally have you." I glared at her with distaste.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm already in love with someone", I spat, venom clear as day in my voice. An evil and crazed glint went through her eyes.

"That is an easy fix", she said. Clara waved her hand, and acid green smoke appeared to her right. Once it cleared, Lucas, to my horror, was in its place. He too was bound, but with chains made from silver than rope. My rage grew even more when I saw the raw rashes that the silver did to Lucas's sun-kissed skin.

Forgetting about my situation, I tried to free Lucas from the chains.

"Fractos! Fractos!" I yelled desperately, but to no avail. Lucas raised his head, and terror and guilt shimmered in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Max", he said, pain laced in his voice. "I wasn't able to keep you safe. I've failed you, and the pack."

"No! Don't you dare say that!" I shouted. I tried getting to him by speaking, trying to talk sense into him, but he never met my eyes, his guilt being too great. I looked over to Clara to see her summoning a sword and walking towards Lucas. He looked up and saw her with the sword, and fear flashed in his eyes. She raised the blade.

"No! Don't do it! Please!" I begged. "I can't live without him!" She ignored my cries, as she magically made Lucas's neck bow before her.

"Max, I lo-" Lucas was cut off, as she swung the sword and beheaded him, his head rolling and stopping in front of me, leaving a trail of blood.

"NNNNOOOO!!" I screamed as unbearable pain shot through my body. It felt like fire that threatened to burn me from the inside out. I wanted to claw my skin off. I wanted to rip out my already shattered heart and crush it the rest of the way, just so that I could join him in death. I began to sob uncontrollably, the pain and grief only getting worse. She killed him! She killed the only one I have ever truly loved other than my mother who had passed away years ago. Now he's dead too. The mages around us began to cheer in victory.

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