Chapter 12: Stitches & Schemes

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Lucas's POV:

Before the attack, so around 9:30-

It made me a little sad, and worried, not waking up to Max beside me this morning. But I was relieved when I saw his note. The little heart he left on it made the note that much more special. Knowing my mate was alright, I headed to the kitchen, and made a bowl of cereal. Cocoa Pebbles no less. Finishing my cereal, I tossed the bowl and spoon into the sink, and decided to go outside.

I felt like working out, or training with some of the pups. Or even starting a match between Sam and I, just so I could kick his ass and laugh about it with him. Just as I was about to head over to the training area, someone busted into my head.

"Lucas! Lucas!" It was Max! But wait... he doesn't have the mind-link. How is he doing that? Magic?

"Max? How are you doing that?" I ask. I hear him sigh with... relief?

"I'll explain later, just get to the lake!" he exclaims. "I'm under attack, and I'm badly injured!" FUCK!

"I'm coming, just hold on a little longer!" I replied, my voice cracking.

"Be careful, they're mages!" he warns. "Oh, and don't attack the dragon!" My eyes widened.

"WHAT!" I burst out. I go to question him again, but he's already cut the link. I frantically tried to reach Sam and Cassandra in the mind link.

"Sam, Cassandra, get your asses to the lake NOW! And bring a few warriors! Max is under attack!" I commanded, my Alpha tone slipping in.

"Yes Alpha!" they responded. I then shifted into my wolf, and I start running towards the lake. Not long after I'm joined by Sam, Cassandra, and a few pack warriors, and we continued to run to the lake. A few minutes later we got to the edge of the clearing, and we all heard thundering footsteps.

We poked our heads from the trees to see a massive dragon, that was fighting two mages. But wait, that dragon has Max's amulet around its neck! Connecting the dots, I finally realize that the dragon IS Max! I looked closer to see two of his legs bleeding, with horrific gashes across his beautiful scales. We watch as Max blasts electricity at the taller mage, but the mage jumped away. But that mage dropped his staff, and Max incinerated it with a blast of electricity.

The taller mage yelled in frustration at the other mage, who was slightly shorter, for his staff. The shorter mage tossed it to him reluctantly, and when the taller one caught it, he went invisible. But a few seconds later, we see him reappear by Max's last good leg, and he tries to slash it with... a sword made of MAGIC! He succeeded, which made me growl with immense anger. No one hurts my beautiful mate without dying as a result. The mage tried to slash Max again, but I was able to breath again when Max kicked him away. But the other mage was already there, and shot a blast of ice at his only good leg. Max howled him pain, and limped away. But he collapsed to the ground!

Max's dragon form growled, and his amulet began to glow bright green, the light now engulfing him. When the light cleared, Max was in his true form, and it made me and my wolf boil in even worse and stronger hatred. He had small cuts on his face, one of his legs all full of frostbite, with his other arms and legs bloody and slashed. The taller mage approached Max, and raised the staff. Fuck no! I bolted from the trees, the others right behind me. I pounced on the mage with the staff and bit his head off. His strangled cry of pain did nothing to me.

I looked behind me to see the others surrounding the shorter mage. He had to balls of magic in his hands, one fire, the other lightning. He was about to throw the fireball, but in the blink of an eye, he was encased in a block of ice. I turn again to see Max, his hand held out, and icy blue magic covering his hand. As the magic from his hand cleared, he attempted to stand up, but he fell back to his knees, releasing a small cry of pain.

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