Chapter 25: Elixirs & Secrets

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Later that day:

Max's POV-

"These potions are going to be of great use to all of you during the battle with Clara's army", I said, pacing in front of all of the warriors, and each one held a healing elixir. "They are meant to be used on the spot, so if you are injured by silver or wolfsbane, one small sip will heal you completely. Even so, use them sparingly." All of the warriors, including Sam and Cassandra, replied with a "Yes, Alpha Max" or "Thank you, Alpha Max." Most of them still looked awestruck at the sparkling purple liquid inside of the vials in their hands.

I explained more about what the elixirs did before dismissing everyone. Tomorrow I was going to test the rest of the Mage Spells on the warriors to see how much resistance we have to Electric Magic and Spiritual magic. I also wanted to test all three of the Mage Specializations, Knight Enchanter, Necromancer, and Rift Mage.

But like I said, that can wait until tomorrow. Because right now, I just wanted to go find Mason and spend some time with my future child. And that is exactly what I did. I found him with some of the other pups, and I decided to join them. Mason and the other pups joyfully allowed me into their group, and we played all sorts of games for a long while. We played hide-and-seek, tag, and we even had a magic show! I showed them small spells, like how to make snowflakes, how to make little figures from balls of fire, and I even made a small rainbow in my palm. The pups tried the classic human magician tricks, like guess which hand had the penny and pulling rabbits out of hats. The pups of course knew it wasn't really magic, but they still loved to pretend that it was, and we all had a blast. Oh, and don't worry, we used fake rabbits for the hat trick, because we knew using a real rabbit wouldn't be good, so we used a stuffed animal.

The pack members that were outside were sending looks of admiration and adoration at us, me in particular. I think they are grateful that I am great with kids, and they are happy about it. I'm glad they feel that way, and it makes me feel good that they trust me with kids, and they aren't nervous of me because of my magic. I smiled warmly and continued playing with the pups.


Lucas's POV-

Max looked like he was having the time of his life while he played outside with the pups. It warmed my heart knowing he was outstanding with kids. My wolf was purring with pride as well. I could just picture it in my mind. Max and I, fully mated, with a few pups of our own. Mason of course was one of those in my head. I couldn't imagine not being able to have the kid in our family, and I would rather not imagine it. But, on another note, there was something I needed to address, and there were two people who I needed to talk to.

"Sam, Granny, could you come to my office please?" I asked through the mind link.

"Sure thing", Sam replied.

"Of course, Lucas", Granny said.

I sat down at my desk, once again imaging what I had imagined a moment ago. After a few minutes, I heard light knocking on the other side of the oak doors.

"Enter", I said, loud enough for them to hear me. The double doors opened, and Sam held one of the doors open for Granny as the entered my office. They each at in one of the chairs that were in front of the desk, and Sam gave me a curious look, while Granny gave me a slight impatient one.

"So, you both are probably wondering why I called you both up here", I said, stating the obvious.

"Of course, we are, now get on with it Lucas", Granny quipped. "I was just about to go to the candy shop to make some fresh sweets, so this better be important." I chuckled and nodded.

"Don't worry, Granny, this is very important", I reassured. "Max's birthday is in two days, and I was wondering if you both would like to help me set things up for it. I have a plan in mind, but I will need help putting everything in place. You guys up to it?"

"Tell us your plan first, and depending on what it is, we might help", Granny said, but I could tell that she and Sam were intrigued.

"Well, I know this spot near here that would be an amazing place for a picnic", I said. "I was going to put up small decorations, like a happy birthday banner, fairy lights, I was going to set up a wireless speaker so that we could play music. And of course, we were going to have amazing food."

"Damn, you're going all the way with this!" Sam exclaimed. "But that's what makes it amazing! I'm definitely helping!" I grinned at Sam, knowing that he was in by him being dramatic. He responded by shooting a grin back.

"Well, you'll need someone to cook the food, so I can assist there", said Granny. "Because no offense Lucas, your cooking is trash compared to mine." I laughed, knowing that she was absolutely right. I'm decent at cooking, but Granny can put anyone's food to shame without batting an eye.

"Thank you both so much", I said, gratefully. "You don't know how happy this will make Max."

"He's family, and family is everything", Granny said. "So, there is no need to thank me."

"Even though he almost killed me earlier", Sam said, rubbing his shoulder nervously, clearly recalling the moment when Max threw him, causing me to lightly chuckle. "I really like the guy, and he is perfect for you. So, like she said, no need to thank me for anything."

I smiled in appreciation, and we immediately got to work on planning Max's birthday. And let me tell you, it will definitely be a day to remember.

To be continued...

AN: As promised, chapter 25 lol. And I wonder what Lucas has planned for Max hehehe. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, and please comment any spelling and grammar errors. Also, I made sure that Max made a rainbow because of PRIDE month! Lol, I hope some of yall thought of that haha! Love you all!!

Bye Besties! 💙

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