Chapter 29: The March

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Max's POV-

The Next Morning;

We began the march.

Lucas and I made some minor preparations that morning, as early as 5am. The ones who weren't accompanying us in the battle, were staying at the pack house. It was now around 5:30 am, and I looked at the one hundred Werewolves in front of me and Lucas.

"Wolves, we are doing this in the name of the Moon Goddess and to secure the peace. We march", Lucas said, the warriors cheering in unison. Then, all at once, we all shifted, and thus the march began. We made our way through the forest, walking and walking, bags of supplies strapped to our wolf bodies. We were expecting Fiona and her Mages to meet us halfway through the march, and that was still not for another hour.

The emotion and overall tone of the march was intense. Most of us were focused on the task at hand, while there were some not even wanting to acknowledge what was bound to happen. I know this because I was one of them. I was always thinking of ways to distract myself from what was going to happen. I was going to confront my father, who was my old First Enchanter. And I was also about to face an army of demons, brought from the Fade by my former wife-to-be, Clara Westwood, daughter of First Enchanter Patrick Westwood of the Westwood Mage Clan. Yes, that is a mouth full, but I'm the one narrating here.

"Lucas... knowing what is going to happen... how do you feel?" I asked him randomly in the mind link, running out of ideas for distractions. I heard him sigh in his head.

"Honestly Max, all I know is that this needs to be dealt with for our safety, Mason's safety, and the pack. I am terrified. But with you by my side, I know I can accomplish anything", he responded, leaving my mind to wander in perpetual thought. We continued the march for another twenty minutes, when we all heard the crunch of leaves off in the distance. Lucas ordered everyone to stop, and we all came to a halt. A moment later, Mages, led by Fiona came out of the woods to our right. We all relaxed when we saw it was her, and we greeted each other. The Mages now joining us, we continued the march.

"How long do you think we have until we reach Clara?" I asked Fiona through a magical link. She thought for a moment.

"I would say about a half hour. They are moving to us while we move to them, so time will seem short", she replied. Despite being the Grand Enchanter, she tried to seem like a normal Mage, and I could tell that. She didn't hold the aura that she was better than everyone else because of her rank. Fiona even seemed a bit nervous, which in turn made me more nervous. If even the Grand Enchanter was nervous of this, then things would probably be pretty horrid. But, I decided to tell everyone in the mind link to shift back. I had thought of a lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was little, and now I understood why she sang it to me. Once everyone shifted back, they looked at me curiously, and I opened my mouth and began to sing-.

"Shadows fall
And hope has fled
Steel your heart
The dawn will come

The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come

Now Cassandra surprisingly joined into ghostly song, making me wonder how she knew it.

The Shepherd's lost
And his home is far

More pack members slowly started to join into the song, making my heart swell with hope.

Keep to the stars
The dawn will come

The night is long

Lucas by now had joined into the song. I looked over at him, still singing, and I wanted to kiss him right then and there.

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