Chapter 30: The Duel

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Max's POV- 

Left and right they came. Left and right there was death. 

I was currently squaring off with one of Clara's mages. It came to the point where we were using our staves as blunt weapons, and we kept on trying to strike each other with them instead of using magic. I finally gained the upper hand and knocked the staff from her hands. With a wave of my hand, I sent her flying and she landed in the trees, knocking her out. I gazed around the chaos around me. Our wolves were fighting both Mages and Demons, and our Mages were fighting mainly the demons. Magic crackled in the air, as it was so full of magical energy. I absorbed that magical energy and blasted a large ray of lightning at a Rage Demon what was about to slash at Lucas's wolf back, and he shot me a thankful look as the Demon crumpled into green Fade energy, then dispersed like dust. We both nodded and leapt back into action. 

Both armies were fighting to the death, and I saw a few of our dead soldiers and some of Fiona's Mages scattered about the ground. But we remained strong and fought with all of our strength. Clara and my father were relentless, as they fired spell after spell at our wolves. There numbers were slowly diminishing, as our warriors were resistant to many of the magic cast at them thanks to Selene's blessing. This was also the case as within my first attack, I had wiped out around ten of Clara's Mages and about seven of her Demons. Yeah, when my father told me he had my mother killed, I felt pure hate. My hatred for both of them grew with each passing second, along with each Mage and Demon from their army that was killed. 

"Cut them down! Useless! All of you!" Clara shouted from among the fighting. This made me snort in disbelief. She would call her army useless, while she stood off to the side and let others do her dirty work? The gall she had. Fiona, on the other hand, was fighting tooth and nail with her Mages, giving them orders and helping them, even stepping in to protect them when needed. She was what a true leader should be. 

"How are you holding up Max?" Fiona asked me as we fought back-to-back, demons coming right at us.

"Tired as hell, but I will make it", I tried to joke, but we both only chuckled before turning to the demons. We fired spell after spell at them. I would shoot large chunks of ice at the demons, while Fiona would create a large wall of fire to block the demons advancing. We finally got out of the circle and went our separate ways in the battle. I snuck up on one of Clara's mages, who was using his staff like an amplified taser and was electrocuting one of our wolves. I made my staff glow gold and touched his back with the tip, a string of brighter gold magic flowing from him and into my staff. The string of brighter gold traveled up the wood and the staff absorbed it. The mage now crumpled to the ground, dropping his staff that was now useless to him. I kicked him to the side. He was now Tranquil. This sent Clara into a rage, and she joined into the battle, knocking our wolves down with her staff. I suppose she isn't as petty as I thought. I looked away from her and focused on my wolf, healing her up with a bit of magic. The potions I made I suppose were forgotten, but it wasn't a big deal. The heat of battle will do that to you. 

 But that wasn't what set me off again. My father had now entered the battle. He swept his staff and sent a large ball of lightning at the most important person in my life: Lucas. I was there immediately to deflect it with a magical shield, and he gave me a bewildered look. Upon noticing my father, he growled lowly. I sent him a look, telling Lucas I had Jefferson. He nodded his wolf head, understanding me. I looked back at Jefferson, who held his staff lazily as it glowed with electric energy, and he was smiling smugly. By the gods how I wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. I did just that, as I sent a powerful ray of ice at him, which he blocked with ease. I then used my Fade Step ability, going in a fast blur to use my Spirit Blade. He saw this coming, as I was just about to use my Spirit Blade, Jefferson swept his staff and blasted me back with bright purple energy. I went flying back and landed on my stomach a few meters from him. I slowly raised myself from the ground and spat. He laughed like a maniac and took a few steps towards me. By now, the fighting was at a halt as everyone who was still alive looked at me and Jefferson with fear and a bit of excitement. Poor bastards. 

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