Chapter 15 | the game

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The field wasn't far away. Even though I had gotten a thorough tour of the campus, we never came to this space of grass. Since the entire college was partly surrounded by woods, big areas were bound to be there.

The small field had soccer goal posts, some lights for the night, and a basketball hoop in the end. We walked past the cafe, where the small number of students made me wonder what they all were doing. 

When we reached the back, we saw the field. Brady and Austin stood on both sides, perhaps starting a new game. Rebecca stood in the center, acting as the referee. She had the soccer ball in her hands. 

There were those other 3 people too, sitting on the sides. The ones that had come along with Brady when I had been playing the piano. I blinked once at them and averted my eyes. They didn't seem to be doing the introducing, why would I?

 I crossed my hands across my chest and laid back on the tree. Izzy did the same next to me.

No one had noticed us, except the curly haired boy with the three guys. He seemed to be a year older than me. Though his calm and boyish aura made him feel younger than me.

 He looked at me for a while, then turned to the pink haired girl. When he whispered something to her, her gaze went straight to me. She raised her eyebrows across the field. 

And then looked away with a twisting mouth. She didn't bother me with another glance. I rolled my eyes. Definitely the bitchy girlfriend.

Rebecca had her back to me as she whistled and the two boys ran to the ball she had dropped.

Just then, Austin noticed me. His eyes went while running. His eyes were on mine. I wanted to scream at him to keep his eyes on the ball. But he didn't take his green orbs away from mine.

And.... almost tripped.

That loss of footing seemed to jolt him back to the game. 

However, Brady had already captured the ball. His dark brown hair ruffled in the wind. They were so dark, they looked black indoors. In the sun though, I could tell they were a darker shade of brown itself.

 His features were now so different from Austin, I wondered how the fuck they were twins.

Brady laughed at Austin.

" You lovesick fool. And you thought you could win." he yelled. 

Again, those butterflies appeared at the sound of his voice. Again. His eyes turned towards mine, and those blue ocean's met my emerald ones. 

His gaze didn't stay for long though, it was just a small glance of acknowledgement. I felt that irritation once again. What did I want him to do though?

I was being so stupid.

Austin bared his teeth at his brother.

" She's my good luck charm. Don't worry, now I will definitely win." he said, way too confidently. I laughed softly into the air. Austin grinned at me. I shook my head at him.

He was never going to win, whether I was here or not. Brady was too good. I'd seen him play since elementary school. Secretly, of course.

Brady's body moved through the field, his feet controlling the soccer ball as if it was meant to do that. He didn't look like the guy who hadn't played for years. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, no matter how much I tried. Even bubbly Izzy had gone quiet, all of us taking in the sight of him. I bet she wasn't feeling the butterflies, sparkles or tingles. I bet she didn't get airy sensations, goosebumps or chills. 

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