Chapter 20 | peices of paper

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     I was so excited for the night that I almost forgot I had an extra class today. We had to meet in the music hall for this one.

Fundamentals Of Music theory.

I rolled my eyes at the schedule paper. This was my last class, and the most boring music class ever. I felt like it wasn't necessary. All of it was already taught to me previously.

However, today, I felt even more discouraged to get there.

As I walked through the hallways, which were mainly silent except for a few couples on the benches making out, and some boys and girls pushing each other brutally around.

I felt a sort of envy towards them...they seemed so okay, and I was just a girl being eaten up by her insides. 

They all seemed so happy.

But if mom would be here with me, she would tell me,

' You would never know what kind of wounds are behind a person's smile'

And those wounds are now all over myself, mom.
Remembering mom, my hands started shaking and I quickly blinked away the tears.

I pushed open the doors of the music hall and entered the class. The teacher wasn't here yet. 

The students were chattering with one another, their chairs scattered all over the place.

I timidly sat on a desk near the piano and kept my bag aside. There was an empty seat right next to me.

I was just about to take out a book and start reading when the teacher burst in with a bang sound.

" Gather up now! I want you all silent." He said as he took his papers out from his sack.

The students quickly dragged their chairs back to their places. They were immediately silent.

Even I must admit, the professor we had for music was pretty intimidating.

The professor sat down and started to shuffle through his papers. He looked up from his small glasses,

" This is all I have?"

" Yes professor."

All of a sudden, the doors opened again.

The professor sighed dramatically, as if he knew exactly this was about to happen.

The boy who entered was none other than the notorious Brady Ashford. His messy look and leather jacket made him look like those typical bad boys in high school. A small backpack was slung over one shoulder and he wore gray jeans below a simple white t-shirt. 

The image was truly a breathtaking one for me, though there was no effort made by him.

The first person his eyes went to was me, or so I thought. I had no idea what was my imagination and what was not anymore.

His eyes as soon as they met mine, turned to look at the floor. He kept his head down as he hastily stepped closer to the desks.

" I'm sorry I'm late." he mumbled. I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting into laughter. The professor narrowed his eyes.

" Go sit." he said sharply and pointed to the seat next to mine. 

My eyes widened. No. No. Not here.

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