chapter thirty-one, Elena.

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- Camila -

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- Camila -

Zoe was still asleep when I snook back inside, which is what I was hoping for. I dropped my bags and checked my phone's Lock Screen to see a notification from Matt.
*I'm sorry if I was too straight last night, take as much time as you need.*

I ignored it and put on my music quietly as I got out the ingredients to cook breakfast.

The sausages sizzled in the pan as I cracked the last four eggs into another one. I'll need to go food shopping later.

"Smells great." A zombie-looking girl slouched onto the counter behind me, "How was it? Did you tell him?"

"Yeah, he wasn't very happy about it."

"Shit, is that why you're home so soon?"

"Nah, he's going to something with his Dad this weekend. I said I'd think things over and he's home tomorrow night so we'll talk again then."

"And Matthew?"
I showed her the unopened notification. "So we're ignoring him now?"

"We're having a girls weekend, I'm ignoring everyone."

"About that..." she had a grin on her face as she pulled out her phone, opening iMessage and showing me what she was doing all night.

*Hey, this is Zoe :)*

*Hey Zoe, glad you got my note!
Sorry I didn't come find you, the place was so busy."

*No problem, I was on my way home anyway.*

*how's your night going?*

*Not bad, just watching tv now, yours?*

*still behind the bar :/*

*I hope I'm not keeping you from working...*

*Don't worry, I'd much rather be texting you ;)
Are you busy this weekend?*

*Spending tomorrow with my sister, but I'm sure I could
spare some time, you do owe me a drink...*

*How does Sunday night sound?*

*I suppose I could clear my schedule :)*

*Send me your address, I'll pick you up at 7 ;)*

"Oh my god Zoe, you're going on a date!" We squealed.

"I know! You're going to burn our breakfast..."

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