chapter fifty-two, just go with it.

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- Camila -

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- Camila -

"Hey, what are you doing later?" I asked him during our last class. I'm tired of waiting for him to ask when I can just do it myself.

"I'm probably going to do something with Becca, you?"

"Not sure yet..."
I understand his sister is in town and he wants to spend time with her, but it's not like him to completely avoid me. Is he really not interested at all anymore?
"I think I'm going out with Matt tonight."

I waited for any kind of reaction. A tense jaw, clenched knuckles, avoiding eye contact. But no. No reaction. He doesn't get jealous of Matt anymore.
The bell rang, interrupting things. His desk was practically empty, so it only took him a second to shove his notebook in his bag and fling it over his shoulder. "Text me?"

I watched him leave the classroom as I neatly packed my books back into my bag and exchanging it for my phone.

*Pick me up at 6?*

*Will do :)*

Zoe was waiting in the parking lot when I left the school, sipping on a travel cup of coffee. "You always come out ten minutes after everyone else."

"Im doing you a favour, you can miss all the traffic now." I smiled jokingly as we pulled out of the half-empty lot.

"You look better today."

"Thank you, I feel better."

"So how are things with Theo?"

"Distant. He's spending a lot of time with his family because Becca's back in town so we haven't really hung out."

"Becca's back? And you didn't tell me?"

"Sorry, I completely forgot to. They invited us to dinner on Friday, if you're off work."

"Yeah, tell Theo we'll be there."

"Are you still going out with Spencer tomorrow night?"

"Yep, I might not be home Thursday night though..."

"Honestly I'd rather that. Please let me know next time you're bringing a date home."

"Sorry." She chuckled.

"Also, I think I'm going to see a movie with Matt tonight-"


"-As friends."


"Please? Just friends, I promise."

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