Chapter 2

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In Oberoi Mansion, a person in black formals is seen going out of the house. A person, handsome, no, devilishly handsome, with bright blue orbs, sharp jawline and a stubble. can someone be so handsome. He is interrupted by someone.

"Billu,Where are you going such early morning?", an old voice came.

"Dadi, today we going to sign a huge deal of Goenka's. So as you say that before the deal file is signed, it should be taken to the temple, so I am doing just that.", he replied with a cute or say hot smile on his face. For the world, he may be ruthless and arrogant but for his family, he is their everything.

"Mera Billu!", she said and comes near him and caresses his face. He inherited his eyes from his late grandfather. his eyes always remind Dadi of him. "You never forget anything I say to you." , she said.

"Ofcourse Dadi, your words, my command."


Annika sees that at the temple, a huge line is set up.

"Oh bete ki! Such a long line....Annika today you will be getting late to meet Aakriti for sure and she is gonna screw you up.", she said in a worried tone. She take the pooja samagri  and joins the other common people in the line. After a long time she sees that the line is not moving forward. Its been whole 20 minutes.

All of a sudden a man dressed in formals enters the other portion of the line which was empty and common people were not allowed to go there that day, goes inside the temple and starts praying.

Annika fumed in anger.How rude! She along with other people is waiting in this line for so long and this person entered straight to the temple without paying heed to the long line set up right beside him.

Is it his home? How can he do that. Does he even have manners. No, she doesn't think so. Cause if he would be having even a bit of it, he wouldn't have crossed the line or say ignored the line.

She needs to do something cause the people in front of her and also at back of her are not even paying attention to it. Ladies are busy gossiping or handling their kids and men and busy over the phone. "Annika, go for it", her mind said, encouraging her.

She calls the pandit ji who was standing beside Shivaay.

"Pandit Ji, what is this. We all are waiting for so long in this queue and we are not getting any chance to do pooja and this person broke the line and entered straight inside and you are not saying anything.", she scolded him.

Shivaay was listened to what she was trying to say. Her words were completely opposite of her sweet voice. Sweet, "How can you think of a girl as sweet Shivaay", his mind said.

The girl who is opposing the Great Shivaay Singh Oberoi can't be sweet. He was eager to get a glimpse of her though. But he can't break his prayers.

"Beta, this place was saved only for him only. These are big people.", the priest explained.

"Not from the height at least", she murmured to herself eying the man with short stature, according to her

"Wow! Now the reservation are there in the temple too. Don't forget this temple is a public place.", Annika opposed.

"Beta everyone bows in front of people who are from affluent families", he said.

"Oh really! Do you know the surname of god. Surname of god Ganpati? Do you know? Still everyone bows in front of god and you are saying like this.", she tried to explain him.

Shivaay was hell angry. He was eager to see the face of the person who was saying ill against him. How could she mess with the great SSO.

"You are a priest. At least you should not make this distinction.", she reprimands him.

"Leave it beta, our turn will come soon", a man standing in the queue tried to calm the situation.

"No!! I know how to fight for my rights and you should also fight....", Annika opposed him too.

Shivaay turns around and went towards Pandit Ji and Annika.

"Jis cheez ki main keemat de sakta hoon, usse main tod deta hoon", she said coldly while glaring Annika.

He walked towards us as if he is the owner of the place she are standing at. He said those words as if he is Hritik Roshan or something. Oh, at least not from the height for sure...she wondered.

He hands over a bundle of cash to the Pandit.

"Money can buy too.....", he said as if it was quite normal to say anything like that to a girl or say casually.

"How dare dare you say such a thing about me....And if this so-called money of yours can do everything, then why have you come to God? Put the money in front and say "O money god, please please please make me do this work"", Annika yells.

Everyone there Starting laughing. Shivaay was fuming like fire. So what new in that?

"It is useless to talk to people like you. If you do not have money to do the prayers, its okay. I'll give it to you.", he replies.

Shivaay takes her hand and puts a bunch of cash on it.

"Enjoy...", he said and left from there.

Annika was about to say something but her phone rang. It was Aakriti. Dammit, this girl always calls on a wrong time.

"Yes I am coming.....", she said answering the phone.

Her outside, Shivaay was talking over the phone

"What the Hell Mishra I want that deal at any cost. And you know that Shivaay Singh Oberoi is not in the habit of not listening to no as an answer", he screamed at his PA Mishra.

Poor Mishra, how can he bear this Beast? And he throws his phone away making a hundred pieces out of it.

Suddenly there was a cracking sound and the the windshield glass of Shivaay's car was broken by none other than Annika who was standing with a metal rod and smiling.

"Jis cheez ke main paise de sakti hoon na, main bhi usse tod deti hoon!", she said in the same tone as his giving him the taste of his own medicine. She took out the same bundle of cash and threw it in the air. Every single cash was flying in the air.

Shivaay was hell shocked. for the first time ever in his life someone was behaving as such with him.

"Fhat the Wuck.How dare you do all this.", he yelled at her.

"Like you dared to insult me. And I hope your so called tadi gets cracked like this glass too..", she replied.

"Whats that t... t...tadi......", he wondered.

"Why don't you find out yourself?", she said smirking.

Unknown to both of them Khanna(Shivaay's bodyguard)was recording all of this. For the first time ever Shivaay was speechless before someone. He sent that video to his beloved brothers.

Annika left without any word and Shivaay stood there Speechless

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