Chapter 59 :Birthday Shenanigans

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Shivaay woke up lazily from the sound of alarm buzzing on Annika's phone. He wondered at it cause she was never an alarm person. She used to wake us usually when he used to wake her up. He took her phone and buzzed the clock off and looked at the time. It was twelve in the morning. Basically, it was mid night. No wonder he was still feeling asleep. He looked around the room and she was absent, "Annika?", he called her out. He heard no reply. He got up from the bed. He went to the door to the the wardrobe area. A chit was stuck there. It had nothing to read. Just a cake and smile drawn over it.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you...."

He heard her voice and smiled. It was coming from behind him which made him turn around. He looked at her approaching him, still singing the birthday song with a huge smile playing on her lips as of it was her own birthday. She came closer to him and finished her song. She pecked his lips before hugging him, "Happy Birthday Shivaay"

He held her close. His happiness had no bounds. Last year, he didn't had expected that next year, he'll be having someone so special to celebrate his birthday with. Yeah, he has. It was surreal and unbelievable. He moved back and grabbed her face to kiss her. He pressed her against the wall just a little more in his attempt  to be closer to her. Her hands eventually left his face and traveled down to his waist, eventually working their way under his kurta to his back. His hands were now on her hips, his lips leaving hers and kissing their way down her jaw to her neck, working their way to her shoulder.

"Shivaay", she breathed, her head falling back against the wall as he continued to place kisses along her skin. "Shivaay", she said again, digging her nails into the muscles on his back, "We...we have to stop", she told him in a halfhearted attempt. 

He placed his eye level with her after stopping his work. her arms were securely around his neck now, "Why?", he asked her. Clearly she wanted him right now.

"Because", she breathed, continuing to look at him, "We have to be somewhere after a while", she told.

He frowned. Yes the plan excited him but not more than what they were doing right now, "It can wait"

"No, it cannot", she attached her forehead with his, "Put some proper clothes on. I'll be outside"


"Where are we going, Annika?", an impatient Shivaay asked his wife who was not paying attention to him right now. She was driving continuously on the deserted road.

"Shivaay, I don't want to yell at you today. Be patient", she told calmly

Soon way, they were stalled in a isolated area. It was so dark with no street lights. Not even an inch of it. She undid her seatbelt, "Come on", she opened the door of her seat and went out.

He followed the suit and an image flashed in front of his eyes. He has been here before. Once. Actually, with her only, "We came here after---"

"Out first date", she finished for him. She nodded. She held his hand, "We need to climb the hill. The trees are dense so we can't take the car", she told. She grabbed his hand before walking up to the hill.

The night was subtle. The wind was blowing at a higher rate than usual. The Moon shined out in the whole sky, paving way for them to reach the hill top. The trees were rustling and the stars were twinkling in the black violet sky.

As they reached at the hill top, both of them gazed the beautiful sky, full of stars with the moon as the Queen. The place was far for the usual commercial and housing area means, pollution was less leading to clearer view of the night sky.

"It's so amazing in here", he whispered adoring the view in front of his blue eyes.

"It makes it even more amazing when we are here together", she told him.

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