In The Beginning

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In every story, their is always a hero and a villain. Well I think this is likely the kind of story you are about to read. It's explains the life of a young Assassin..... yeah an Assassin which originally has.... you know powers which he doesn't use for the time being and on the other hand is his best friend whom I won't say exactly is wicked but grew jealous of his friends powers after knowing that he has powers. The guy with the powers has a code name called "The Reaper". For some reason he chose that name and then the code name of his best friend was called The Hazard. However things would get quite rough in the future but.... why spoil the story for you the reader. Soo I better not waste your time with the narration and cut to the chase. And oh by the way call me the Reaper for now!!!.

So back to it all again I'm called the Reaper and I don't know my actual name. You already know the jealousy of my friend called the Hazard but what u don't know is that he became so jealous of the power that I had that he found an evil source where power was given in exchange for something precious to the person. By that time the only family he had was me and his girlfriend called Delila. We where all orphans in the Assassins academy Soo we got to know each other better. Me and the Hazard ( in which his real name is Sava Demrico) where both in our second to last year in the Assassins academy while his girlfriend Delila was on her final year in the Assassins academy.( Note after finishing the academy, an individual can now be sent for more serious and deadly missions and they can make their names known in the history of Assassins. Sava wanted the power so much that he finally made up his mind to give the person he loved the most which was his girlfriend in exchange for the huge and miserable power he would obtain. After she died, he cried that whole week for his lost love whom he killed. But then upon the death of his girlfriend created a new him. An evil Sava. A monster in the soul. He then became so evil not with me but with anyone he encountered. Eventually his powers grew stronger and more powerful than even mine. Sava then abandoned his code name and began to use his actual name which later on stroke fears into the heart of anyone whom heard it at night.(he normally does his evil deeds at night). After we finished the academy at age 20, we left the academy to purse other ambitions of ours. But it didn't work as we expected. We bought a house with the money we earned from the works we did from since the time we where young up to our present age at that time. Eventually, Sava was bound to be under the police's radar and the day they attacked him became a day in which blood was shed in a large amount.

The Legend Of The Soul Reaper: OriginΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα