Rage Heals Me Faster

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Before the first 3 days passed by, Delila acted as my mother. Since I couldn't get up nor sit down, she was the one who fed me. You might ask what type of food you'll meet in the abyss. Well it's not easy to find food except you're a hunter in this case Delila was. She'll normally hunt the evil birds and creatures that live in the abyss, skin them. Roast them and then eat them. Well she did use the saliva of a Tatoona(a powerful creature who's saliva would give instant death to the victim if it touches the tip of the victims forehead)mixed with lava and applied it on my side for some time. I asked her how did she survive without water. She said that she didn't. She just ate and didn't drink anything. She also gave me an advice though. To get used to not drinking water while I'm here. If I'm thirsty, I should swallow as much...... (You already know)from my mouth as I can. On the 5th day of my healing and by this time, I could at least stand up now properly and see much more clearly than before. I got used to the harsh atmosphere so it felt like nothing. And at night is where the horrors begin. Different creatures people have never seen before lurk in the darkness. All u see are eyes that are red like blood as you see them getting wider as they approach you while their bodies lurk in the shadows. The creature drew nearer and nearer I stood up ready for a fight until a black hand appeared in the middle of the body of the Creature. The creature looked at me with pain before sinking down and dying. Out of the shadows came Delila. "Hey Doomsday! Enjoying the night in the abyss?" She asked bluffing. "Not a single bit." I said looking at the evil creatures dead body. Delila carries it and looks at me saying "Come on. If you can stand you can walk and if you can walk then you can fight so follow me.......or do you wanna wait here till another creature attacks you before you realize that you should've come with me huh?" She said as she turned around and began to walk into the dark. "None of the options sounds fun but I guess yours guarantee my survival." I said as I looked around and followed her in the dark. "Hey aren't you scared of the dark Doomsday?" Delila asked. "Hey!! I'm an assassin. We work during the day and night remember?" I replied. "Ok sure. Just thought that you'd loose your touch after the battle that's all." She said as I looked at her and turned my head away without a word. For a moment there was an awkward silence. "Is Sava really that strong? I mean he nearly killed you. You where very hard to kill believe that. I myself tried it. You remember that time you choked on that Chinese food in the cafeteria, it was me who put the poison in the food but you just brushed it off with water. So I mean how come he nearly killed you? She said as I turned and looked at her in an exhausted way. "Can we keep on moving" I said. "Ok ok." She said. Soon we arrive at the safe house for us during the night time since demons and their creatures don't attack there during that period of time.(You must be wondering how we know the difference between morning, afternoon, and night. Simple The temperature of the abyss is hotter than that of the temperature at night, and the temperature in the afternoon is the hotter than any of the other temperatures. So that's how we know). Day 6, I could feel some energy in me to fight. At least I'll defeat some few demons in a row. So I decided to train with Delila to get my spirits up and also to form a coordinating team since it's both me and her fighting Sava and his Demonic armies. So we began to train. (Delila was my senior in the Assassin's University. So she always whooped my butt. And also Sava wasn't in the same class with Delila. He was in the same class with me but dated an upper class girl). This time it was different. From the climbing challenge, to the jumping of high obstacles. I defeated her in everything. Now it was time for the fighting challenge. "You ready for this one Doomsday!" She said excitedly. "I sure am." I replied. "I'm gonna whooo you like the way I whooped your butt infront of Wendy." She said smiling. "Wendy? I don't care. I didn't even like that girl!!!" I said. "Ohh but she liked you" she said as she ran towards me. I also ran towards her and before I could punch her, she dodged me by sliding down as my hands missed her, she got up quickly while I was still in motion , held my back with her right hand and slammed me so hard on the floor. I landed with a heavy sound. "Owww. I just got out of injury and now you wanna give me a second injury!" I said as I rolled to my side and got up. While she was busy hopping up and down. "Again!" She said. This time I tried to do the same trick she did. I dodged her by sliding down but she caught me with her right leg with landed a severe kick below my chin. Once again she was happy and jumping while I was left down on the ground with pain. " *Laughing* oh my. Did that hurt?" She said. As I angrily got up while holding beneath my chin. "Come on. You gotta try harder than that. I'm coming at you with everything I have now. Cause this is boring. And plzzz don't hold back. Ok?" She said. As I simply nodded. She rushed towards me as I did the same towards her. Then she disappeared. Mingling with the dark. Before I knew it, I received a hard punch from my back that left me flying towards the front direction. Before I could even land on the ground, a flying feet kicked my face from beneath the ground which made me to summersault and land hard on my stomach. " *Laughing* what's wrong. Is this your best?" The voice said and then disappeared. Suddenly something held me by the back, lifted me up and slammed me down on the ground much harder this time with me lying on my back. The pain was immense and I could feel me almost giving up. "Get up and FIGHT!!!" The voice said again as it kicked me off the land and I landed on another floating land just near the bubbling lava.( Ahh yes light finally). I laid down on my back and looked up when I saw Delila about to land her feet on my head. I quickly rolled over as she slammed her feet on the ground. "Aren't you even ashamed..." She said as she brought me up to my feet and began to punch me angrily in the face. "To be beating by a girl...." Delila said as she continued to punch me. "Sava is about to destroy the world." She said as she land another punch on my face. "And you can't even land a single guy on me! *punches the face* You can't even protect the ones you love. *another punch* You can't even fight back *another punch* you can't even defend yourself. *another punch* HOW CAN I TRUST YOU WITH MY LIFE WHEN YOU YOURSELF CAN'T EVEN PROTECT YOUR OWN WIFE!!" Delia said. For as she shouted that last sentence, their was a type of rage that filled me. I felt this power, this energy gushing through my veins. I then began to shout with rage as my right hand glowed. Delila froze at the sight of my rage as sent my right her infront of her face destroying 5 floating grounds the attack hitted. Luckily for her I diverted my hands just in time before the attack was released. Delia froze and nervously said "Hey.....um......I ......I was just trying to..to .....to bring you back! ok? So we...we cool now right?" Still feeling the hit rage inside me I looked at her with anger. Then WHAM!!! hitted her right in the stomach with one blow causing her to fall down on her knees and spit out a lot of blood. I walked off that area saying "Now we cool." " *choking on the pain* I think you just destroyed my uterus. *chokes on the pain again.* If I don't have a baby it's your fault. *chokes one last time* And you'll be the one I'll marry PSYCHO!!!" Delia said in pain as she bent down and with one hand on the floor and another on her stomach. "Come on quit whining and let's go!", I said but she didn't answer me. I turned around, lifted her up and carried her to our cave. "I swear I'll kill you when I get better. Believe that!!" She said angrily. "Yeah yeah no problem." I answered her. The day came when we both decided that it was time to for us to attack Sava and destroy his evil plans once and for all. Delila later on noticed that after that day we had that tensed training. I was now at my 100 percent. "Hmmm I just noticed something about you." She said. "Well....what is it?" I said smiling. "Your rage healed you much more faster than even the medicines I gave you. If I knew I would have annoyed you sooner." She said smiling. I laughed and said "yeah right. Hey are you ready for this. Once he sees you. There's no turning back." " I'm ready!" Delia said. "Alright then. Let's move out!" I said as we headed out of the cave which we lived in and went out to find Sava Demrico.

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