Sava Reveals Himself

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The Shadowy Figure appeared and revealed itself to be non other than the figure and structure of Sava Demrico himself. He came out smiling with an evil look on his face(Well I gotta say that I missed that look)and he hugged me. I froze for a moment and then we both looked at each other then we laughed and hugged each other again for no reason. "Yo!!! I have to admit that you did scare me for a moment there." I said. "Hahahahaha!" Sava laughed. "So wanna have a drink with me?" He asked. "I'd love to but i...... can't." I said. Sava's cheerful mood faded as I saw a look of confusion on his face. "But why!? Is there something bothering you?" He asked impatiently. "No. It's just that I have to go buy some stuffs for my wife and then return home with those stuffs." I said. " Wait a minute. You have a Wife?" Sava screamed. "No wonder you look all happy and healthy." He said. "Yeaaaa" i said laughing. "Ahhh, well , love is breathtaking. Everything looks fine when u got it in order."He said as their was a flash of sadness now on his face. "Hey you alright?" I asked. "Yeah I think I am. Afterall power comes first before Love. Without power, you can never have love and even if you have it. One can never protect it.  Saying that you love someone are all just words. Fighting and protecting it without power against an enemy with powers is meaningless and useless." Sava said as  rage filled his face. "Hey hey calm down okay. You did it to yourself nobody else did it but you. I responded. "That's because I wanted to be like you. Having some much power and only using it for meaningless things that just do good at a particular moment. You have a something that great and yet still you ignore it's use. You are strong. But ignorant to your own strength. That's one thing someone shouldn't ignore. Now I am much more powerful than you will ever be. I am the Destruction of man kind. No one will stand in my way. I would rule them all like a god." Sava said with his hands raised up as a huge amount of fire appeared in his hands. The flames began to increase the longer he had his hands up in the air. He later lowered his hands down and then the fire stopped and disappeared. "Woaah! You have become really powerful. I mean I just hope you won't try to burn me with all that heat and flame cause I just turned 33 and I really don't want to be running away from fires been sent out from your hands" I said. "Come on, where is your spirit my friend. Your the Soul Reaper and you have the ability to reap souls....." Sava said as I interrupted. "...Bad guys souls! Only Bad guys that's all. I don't reap anyone that is innocent. And besides. I've left that life behind now." I said. He then gave me this angry look and immediately grabbed both of my hands. "Think of it friend. We could be gods, we could get anything we want from the women of this world.... and other worlds that we would conquer side by side. Join me and let us fight together and take over this world. Together we can unleash the demon from the abyss. I've seen it and we can use it to destroy this people and then rule the world TOGETHER!" Sava said. "First of all what has everybody on Earth done to you. Second you are thinking of unleashing EVIL that you swore to destroy from this world. Doesn't that make you realize that this has to stop. Thirdly...... I have a wife so I won't want anymore women and I definitely wouldn't want my wife to die so.....I'm sorry Sava but I can't help you this time." I said. "Oh, ok, I see that you have grown quite soft inside huh. Well well well I should've known." Sava said as he gave me a disappointed look. "I actually thought we would do this together. How sad for things to turn this way. The beast inside you is asleep. I guess it's time for someone to wake it up. And the only way to do that is to take everything you love which is ofcourse your wife Stacy. What, you think afterall those years that passed by, you think that I haven't been watching you. Yeah that's right. That night you defended that lady Stacy, I was there. All I wanted to do was to see how best you can survive in this world without me. And quite frankly you did a great job. I've been watching you ever since that Stacy girl entered into your life. Every time I see her I get reminded of Delila. And only because of her that's why I haven't killed your girl yet. Her memories stop me every time I feel like killing her. Now I have a different reason as to why I would kill her. Cause apparently SHE HAS MADE YOU SOFT!!" He said. My eyes widened and was filled with rage. I could feel the anger inside me. (He sure enough is waking the beast inside me alright). "DON'T YOU DARE lay a finger on her!!" I shouted. "Too late. As a matter of fact I'm not even here! You better run home and go save your wife. Afterall she is the one who has your heart now. You don't want to cooperate, fine! I'll make you cooperate. I'll give you three days to come and collect your wife and by that time you better decide or else......she dies." Sava said smiling in a much upsetting smile. "You're a sick psycopath. If you touch her I'll definitely kill you. Mark my words Sava." I said in rage. "Ohhhhh ooouu I'm looking forward in seeing both me and you fighting. The greatest of all time fighting each other. Sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to that." He said laughing. "I'll see you soon......Soul Reaper" he said. "And before I location would be the abyss. We will settle that there. See you soon." He said. And then e disappeared. At that moment I immediately ran back home. By that time the police had already arrived and there was blood everywhere. Everyone in my birthday party died except for me and Stacy. I was later on arrested and sent to prison for 3 hours trying to investigate the situation at hand.(that's what being a #1 suspect mean). They came to a conclusion that I wasn't a killer so they freed me. I later on went to the crime scene, sneaked inside the house, went where I hid my Assassin's clothe and there I saw Felicia hiding in the secret underground store that both me and Stacy made. That's also where I stored my clothes and Weapons. I was so happy to see her and she immediately rushed towards me and hugged me. She then told me that a guy came and kidnapped Stacy and claimed to be my best friend. He called himself the Destroyer. (Again with the names.) "I know him. He was my best friend and now, it's personal." I said. "I have to find him." I responded again. "Where?" Felicia asked. In the Abyss.

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