The Power Of Sava Demrico

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Sooner or later the cops arrived to arrest him for his crimes in which I had no hands in. When they arrived, they didn't know which house he was in but due to the presence of strong magic if evil which can be felt by even an ordinary human made them to be on their guard. After arriving at the scene and saw how the neighborhood had already become, the unsatisfying atmosphere of the place, this made them call for backup bringing the SWAT team and some helicopters patrolling the area. We both lived in a house since we were best friends but that moment the helicopters arrived, he came out if his room, didn't talk to me and he walked towards the door(like some evil powerhouse ready to unleash chaos and death to his enemies.) He approached the door and quite apparently I knew this won't end well for the both of us as he kicked the door open which sent the door flying forward with a huge amount of force (as if he was kicking a  small stone with all his might except this time he didn't even put dat much energy into it. That shows how strong this guy is.). He then raised up his right arm and from nowhere appeared a big red and long weapon which was a sharp Sycthe that appeared as he held the sycthe with his right hand and then he looked at the cops with a serious evil look as the cop holding the radio said "all units to my position. We have a visual on our suspect.....over". That's when Sava defied the laws of physics and gravity as he began to ride up in the air without anything been able to pull him down not even gravity.(he literally suspended up air). I was quite amazed at that site until a loud thunder snapped me out of my gaze as a wind quite heavy which came with a lot of force began whispering into the ear of every living thing both big and small. Then that's when the disaster began to take place. As the cops started shouting at him to lower his weapon, a large Storm erupted swinging things left and right. Then the cops began to send heavy fire at him but this guy just passed the Sycthe to his left hand and used his right hand to create some type of a protective shield from the heavy wind which was created by the heavy storm taking place at that moment. The helicopters became unstable as the weather totally became bad. Everywhere looked dark. After immense firing,(meanwhile the neighborhood we lived was quite peaceful but now it has turned into a warzone where u could see a tree burning on one side, dark clouds which made the place to look like it was already night, and tons of bullets which where fired at Sava scattered all around the ground and the presence of fire in every direction. To their surprise he didn't even have a scratch on his body (still up air though). You could feel the anger within him as his head began to shake vigorously due to the anger inside him and the suppression from killing them. Then, that's when a big mouthed cop finally shouted saying "All units, bring in the military team!!". (What?! A military team now!! That is now going to be way worse than the bunch of helicopters and SWAT cars, with other police men. Sava then let out a huge sigh, the wind calmed down immediately after that reaction. The cops looked relief from that distance but I looking out from the window knew that this wasn't going to be good for them. He then started to rise up even higher than he was, making every left over structure that had fallen or broken into pieces such as blocks, broken trees, larger stones from the ground to rise up alongside with him. He then used his Sycthe and pointed it towards the cops in a rather evil way with an evil smile. Then every single element which was suspended up the air with him went straight towards the cops with full force in every direction (some cars which rose up where also thrown at the police with full force too). Blood after blood spilling on the floor as we could hear the cries of the poor suffering policemen and also the sound of the helicopters crashing down on the streets, trees and houses was pretty much unbearable(I couldn't stop him cause I knew that my powers where no match for this guy). All of a sudden a large sound of another helicopter came crashing down into our house with a huge force and a loud sound. I had no option but to run out, so I opened the door and ran out of the house. I immediately heard a sound of a loud explosion as I ran(it better be another helicopter crashing down another guy's lawn)and then I turned I slowed down and turned around to look at where it came from. Unfortunately I got hitted by the blast as the force of the blast sent me flying way up before I landed down on the floor and hit my head at the back of a fallen tree. Still able to stand up, I got up and looked around me then looked at our house which was totally demolished. For a moment there I forgot that I was in a war zone and couldn't stop thinking of where in the world I would find a place to sleep if I survived this day. Now that made me look at myself my surprise I was completely fine except for all the dust that covered me. I then turned around and saw a lot of bodies, piles and piles of bodies lying on the floor. Some burnt, some of them in a pool of blood, some lying dead on the ground with a piece of wood in between them, and some tuck in a tree in which there bodies were just hanging in there and so on.

The Legend Of The Soul Reaper: OriginWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt