An Unexpected Home

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Eventually she woke up and then I'll try to explain myself and all that has happened during the time she slept. It took 30minutes before I could see her eyes starting to move and eventually she opened her eyes. For a moment there I was quite happy that I didn't put her into a coma since I'm the cause of that scene (but all I wanted to do is help though). She woke up and then began to look at her immediate surroundings. When she later on noticed it was her house she was in, she held her head like she was in so much pain. Then she sat down properly on the couch but wen she looked up, she saw me with my hood still on and the mask on too sitting near the dark corner infront of her. She immediately jumped up and ran towards the nearest weapon she could grab and pointed the weapon at me which was.........a shoe(yea after everything I did for her I get this as a thank you.). I then told her to calm  down and I also told her that everything was alright now. She been scared and all didn't believe me so I explained to her all that happened and how she ended up in her house. After the explanation, she then remembered what happened and asked me whom I was and why was I following her and what was I doing in her house. Well to calm her down I had to reveal whom I really was cause if not she'll become much more scared of me. "Ok lady. I'll remove my mask and show you who I really am but just.....put away the shoe would you" I said as she hesitantly lowered her shoe and as promised I did what I did. I removed the mask and the hood but still remained in the dark. She having sharp eyes came closer and spotted the design on my Jacket and knew it was me. "Wait a minute. Aren't you the guy I saw a couple of minutes ago? The guy whom was smiling at me because you thought you saw someone familiar." She asked. "Well...yeah!" I answered. "Come out of the dark let me see you!" She said. After that I did and she was really surprised and had that surprised look on her face. I tried to laugh but it came out in a nervous tone saying "Ha!! It's a small world you know!" "Yeah!!!! It sure is!!!!". She said. As i tried to move closer to her. "STOP!!!" She shouted. "One more move and I would call the cops right!!!now!!! So you better chill TF out and stay where you are ok?!!!" She said. "Listen I can explain" I said. "Explain what?" She added. "Are you stalking me!!?" She said. (Yikes there's a lot of things I'll do but stalking you hell no! Ive got my own problems to worry about) "Definitely not!" I said. "Then why are you here? Why all of a sudden from out of know where you just came and barge in like that. You killed a bunch of guys in which I never even saw there bodies......" She said as I interrupted her saying in a low tone "well you did see one of them but u still fainted in the end so I guess that's a bad idea!" "What did you just say? Cause believe me I would like to know what you just said? She asked me. "Listen the main point is I saw you bending that dark passage and I was about to continue on my Journey when I spotted those 4 guys going that same direction so I helped you but you fainted afterwards". I said. "So then you searched through my personal property and went into my personal messages and found out where I live right?" She said in a confident way. "Well I wouldn't say that I did that deliberately but yea you're right." I said in an embarrassed way. "Well it'll be rude of me not to say thanks to the guy who saved my life so thank you!" She said. (Finally!! Was it that hard). "And you're welcome Miss....?" I said. "Stacy!. Call me Stacy." She said as she dropped the telephone on the couch. Seems like she finally trust me.(Stacy is a lovely name though). Do you mind taking a seat while I go make some coffee for both of us (i hoped you'll ask). "Well thank you. That's so kind of you." She then went to her kitchen to prepare the coffee while I just looked around the house and continuing to admire how lovely it is. She then came with the coffee and gave me my cup of coffee. I wasn't so convinced about the coffee so I told her to drink it(I mean she might've put some poison or a sleeping potion in it so that I'll either die or sleep then she'll call the cops(an Assassin's Instinct)). "What you think that'll poison you". She said (ummm yeah that's what I think). "Absolutely not! It's just hard for me because I have never ever visited someone I don't know or eat nor drink from a stranger that's all."  I said trying to find an excuse. She then looks at me with a look which tells me that she knows that I'm lying. "You're such a bad lier!" Stacy said. "But to clear your conscience..." She said as she took the tea cup from my hand. "I'll drink it!" She said. I then took the cup from her and began drinking the coffee when she began a conversation. "Soooooo Mr Steve....." She said but I interrupted her again saying "please call me Steve". "Ok Steve. Where do you live" she asked. I told her that I lived in a neighborhood due east. But a disaster happened there and no one survived except me and a young lady which was a cop. She then nodded as she drank her tea and she then took the remote and put on the TV. And fortunately the news broadcasted the disaster. "Yep that's the ONE!!" I said as she looked at me in a surprised way then looked at the TV and then looked at me again and said "you..... survived!!...... that?!!!".( Yea I did!!! Afterall I have powers you know) "yes I did!" I answered. "Why do you take time answering my questions huh? She asked. "Well I have to process the answers in my head first. Can't just go around spitting words throughout right?" I said. "well u do make a point" she said. "So wait. You don't have a home anymore..... So that's what this Journey was all about. To find a new home." She said. "Yeah but I was going to live under a bridge for tonight and then just continue my journey tomorrow but I spotted you that made me forget about my house until now!!" I said sadly. She had the sympathetic face and said "awww I'm so sorry. Do you mind staying here with me for a while. I have 4 bedrooms so you can sleep in one of you like. That's the least I can do for saving my life. "Naaaah I shouldn't bother you. You have a perfect home. And it's beautiful. I just stayed back to see if you'll be ok. So now I have to take my leave." I said confidently. "I insist. At least let me help you this time. Let me return the favor in return." She said. "Are you sure of what you are doing?" I asked. "As long as you don't do anything stupid,yeah I'm sure about it. Couldn't hurt to have a body guard in my house right? She said as we both smiled and I told her thank you then looked back at the TV. She then told me that she was going to set up my room so I'll possibly be waiting down here as I watched her climbing the stairs. What a kind lady she is. She can be grumpy when nervous but she's alright. I sat down happily even though I don't dare touch anything cause everything in that house looks expensive so I wouldn't want to activate my destruction sequence and destroy anything in this beautiful house. I don't even have the money for it. I then heard the door bell ring and I decided to go check it out. I found a woman standing. I then opened the door and ask her what was she doing here at this time of the night. Her response was " I came to visit my friend Stacy and have a sleepover. You've got a problem with that huh?" "Nope noo problem!" I said as I opened the door and let her in. She sat down and stared at me continuously until everything became awkward. I then broke the silence and said "I'm Steve by the way!!" As I stretched out my hand towards her. "Nice to meet you Steve. I'm Felicia. Where is Stacy?" Felicia added. "Oh she's upstairs!!" I said. "Please wait for her here. Have a seat!" I said. Felicia then sat down and smiled at me saying "You are a fine gentleman!" "Well thank you. I tend to keep my manner as intact as possible always!" I said as we both smiled.

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