The Monster Of The Abyss

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Now it was time for all of us to leave the abyss. "Tell me Doomsday is it that bad up there?" Shadow asked me. Only one way to find out I said as I held Shadow and Sava held my shoulder. I teleported us back to the surface since now I was that powerful. "May I ask how you did that?" Sava asked. "No you may not. And honestly I don't even know." I said. "Huh!" he muttered. "Nice work Doomsday." Shadow said. " sure looks like Doomsday to me. And I guess this is your arena....." Shadow said as a huge and loud roar came to each and everyone's ears. ".....or his!!" Shadow completed what she just said. The cloud was red, fire everywhere, and the huge beast stood in the middle of the streets. It was so huge and talk each time it walked, it would kill anybody in the surrounding area. Everywhere was destroyed. Everytime he opened his mouth, he had this force that attracted people towards his mouth. His teeth were really sharp and long. So long that 2 of his bottom side teeth in his mouth came out. Then we made an Entrance. The entrance of heroes arriving at the scene. A bolt of lightening started and then followed by another lightening them a spiral and circular fire from the cloud appeared followed by a dark mist that kinda explained everything. (The lightening was my powers being reflected in the clouds, the large spiral and circular fire was the power of Sava Demrico The Destroyer, and the black mist was the power of Delila the Shadow.) Immediately my eyes became white and shining, Sava's eyes blazed became a blazing red colour. Delila suit changing to another crazy suit with also the colour black along with her eyes. It was a glorious sight. The Monster then turned and looked at us. "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen!" Shadow said. "Well....I hate every evil and ugly thing trying to destroy the world I live in. What do you say...........we go kill it?" I said. "Hell yeah!" Shadow respond. "The 2 of you sound weird when talking to each other without including me in it." The Destroyer said. "Buzz off !!!" Shadow said as the 3 of us charged towards the big Demon Monster. We all jumped high up together, then I disappeared and appeared coming to the side of his face (wow I really should've learned how my new powers work) striking it with both of my swords directly at his face. Taking out the big monsters skin I'll say, he opened his mouth delivering a loud cry as The Destroyer went for his side and strikes it with his Large fire made Sword and I believe breaking one if his ribs and pulling out his demon skin. It cried again falling down on one knee holding its side as Shadow landed on his body and began to run  towards his neck. She then reached his side neck and removed it's demon skin with her Sai before teleporting to the Demons right eye and stabbing it with both of her Sai's . It gave a much louder cry as it held it's left eye. I quickly jumped into the air, grabbed Shadow by the waist and teleported back down infront of the monster where the Destroyer was located. "I could've done that by the way. But thank you." Shadow said. " You're welcome!" I replied as the three of us stood there looking at the monster in pain. The monster got up and looked at us having his other eye filled with rage. As he breath, smoke erupted from his nostrils and he then stood up correctly and angrily. "Damn.......we just pissed him off" I said. "Yep. It looks like we sure did". Shadow replied.

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