The Battle Of Two Friends.

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"Well, I see you've got a new suit huh" Sava said. "So I wanna see what makes you this powerful. It is either you or the suit." Sava said as we withdrew our weapons in other to strike it back at each other. When Sava swung his Sycthe, I managed to dodge Sava's Sycthe but the effect it had was amazing. It came towards me with a red flame around it blazing. When I managed to dodge it. It landed on the ground which immediately acted like a grenade, exploding from my back as it hitted the floor. Sava was unaffected by the effect. As for me I was sent forward with a huge force. While I was been pushed forward by the force of the explosion, I swung both of my swords toward Sava's neck which slipped my hand and went for his neck but Sava dodged my sword. However my sword had a white mist on it when it left my hand and when Sava dodged it. I fell on the floor after the explosion and got up as quickly as possible but by that time Sava already jumped up to land a punch on me when the blade of my sword just started to return back to me. In that process piercing the side Sava as it came towards me. He then gave a short cry as he held his side that was injured.  So he too fell down and landed with a thud. He then looked at me as I got hold of my sword but then a Demon came and attack me as I easily killed it with my sword. But then another Demon from my right came as a distraction and tried to take my sword away from me. As he flew towards me with his right hand stretching forward trying to get my sword, I simply turned around towards the left as I the Demon missed to take my sword but I was fast enough to turn around and slice him at the back of his body Soo it died. This gave Sava enough time to get up. He then came towards me from the back and swung his Sycthe at me but this time I dodged it as I gave him a summersault kick which kicked the Sycthe out of his hands. As I stood up, Sava gave me a spear(by given me a spear. It's not an actual spear. It's a move which when done on your opponent sends him to the floor. Sometimes that move isnt done correctly leaving the opponent with a counter attack)which sent both of us to the ground. My swords fell out of my hands as one of them lied down on the ground near us the other was nowhere to be seen. Sava punched me in the face and rushed towards my sword and took it really fast. Laughing loudly in an evil laughter until all of a sudden, his right hand which heldy sword began to steam and then bring out smoke. He shouted and let down my sword and held his right hand. Given me an opportunity to run and grab my sword from the ground. I slide down, took my sword, turned around and sliced the armor located at his abdomen. Then his Sycthe appeared the second I was about to swing my sword at his head. So he used his Sycthe to block my sword but then my second sword appeared in my left hand as I sent it into the stomach of Sava. Sava looked at me with a shock in his face as he looked at the sword that entered his stomach and then he looked at me. I then gave him a roundhouse sending him backwards at a far distance and then he fell down heavily on the floor. I then jumped forward putting both my second swords at my sides where they should've been and landed on top of Sava lying helplessly on the floor. As he was about to use his power I gave him a punch which made him bleed. The next thing that even he saw coming where the amount of punches I was going to land on his face. Which I did with such a speed even he couldn't dodge. (I call that move the pummel) I gave him punches after punches until one of the demons came to attack me as I gave the demon a backhand slap while facing Sava sending the demon far away from a distance then I went back into punching Sava. But this time Sava's eyes became shinning red as his face filled with anger. One serious punch sent me up and far away from him. I then landed on the floor with a lot of pain in my jaw. I got up and saw him walking as a heavy wind blew around him. This time I saw the real Destroyer. The Destroyer that nearly killed me. He walked towards my direction with anger and rage in his eyes. He got hold of his Sycthe as he hitted its end on the floor gently, changing his clothes into black and red. I took both of my swords from my sides and held them in my hands but they both emmited a white mist and began to vibrate vigorously. The Destroyer began to raise again rocks. Huge,tall rocks which he sent towards me with incredible speed. As I tried to hold my sword, they both joined together and became one sword as a huge light erupted like a huge explosion killing series of Demons. And the rocks which where sent towards me where also destroyed. The effect reached the Destroyer who in turn covered his eyes fro the light. But this new sword was there floating in the air infront of me. So I had an idea. I looked at the Destroyer as he saw me removing the second sets of sword from my back. He ran towards me as quickly as possible just so that I won't combine the second swords together. But I waited for him to come a little bit closer. Just as he was this close to me, he sent a ball of fire from his hands. The two swords where already vibrating vigorously when he sent that ball of fire towards me. I immediately joined the second set of swords which caused another explosion just as the first one. This time The Destroyer was too close to me so the effect hitted him very hard. So hard that he was sent flying but as he came down, he landed perfectly on the floor. "Uggh. I should've teleported to him before that happened. I knew I should've teleported to that idiot." The Destroyer said angrily as he held his Sycthe. I also grabbed the two newly formed swords and written on the swords was an ancient writing even I don't understand. So I grabbed the two swords and got ready for the Destroyer's attack. He immediately appeared infront of me and then swung his Sycthe at me as this time I blocked his attack with only one sword effortlessly. He became shocked as I used the sword in my right hand to send it into his stomach again. This time he held the sword with his bare hands fighting his level best to not allow it to enter his abdomen again. But his hands got roasted as I later on used more energy on my sword as it sliced his palm and headed right into his stomach. He felt the pain but he didn't say a word nor a cry. He the kicked me sending me backwards which made me to remove my sword unintentionally. He then attacked me now with so much rage. Sending an attack after another with both his Sycthe and his fire power. I dodged all of those attacks until I heard voices, screams from the surface. I looked at him angrily as I attacked him with anger. He swung his Sycthe at me aiming for my head. I dodged it by sliding down with my knees and the I jumped and sent my sword at his face giving him a slice at his face and immediately I landed, I was an inch from him so I gave him a shoulder which sent him far away. But instead of falling, he landed back on his feet. "Damn he is that strong now?" The Destroyer said to himself as he pointed his Sycthe towards me. Heavy wind, and fire was launched towards me as I ran towards him and dodged everything been throwed at me. A large rock came towards me as I simply sliced it out of my way and jumped high up towards the Destroyer with my hands up holding the newly formed swords. The Destroyer also jumped right up as i left both of my words. And as he reached the peak I was only that I was above him, he sent a large flame ball at me which exploded but through that fire up air, I came out and got hold of his Sycthe, drew him towards me and raised my hands up which glowed and looked charged. I then gave him a powerful punch which sent him down at a very high speed, breaking the ground which he fell on. He gave out a loud cry of pain as he lied on the ground helplessly again. As I was coming down, I turn my back towards the ground and looked at my swords. From the surface I could feel souls leaving their bodies. A lot of them. ("No it can't be. I'm too late to even save them.") I said to myself. Then I saw Delila coming out with my beautiful wife Stacy. (Oh my God. She isn't dead. Thank you Delila. I owe you for real this time) I then had this sudden gasp of hope as I grabbed both of  my swords, turned around, and I could tell that the Destroyer saw that coming but as he held his Sycthe to block my attack.....BOOM!!! My swords cutted through his Sycthe which caused a powerful explosion before both swords sliced him from his chest region downwards. He gave out another loud cry as I was now on top of him. " You....are only powerful..... because of your swords." The Destroyer said while fighting hard to breathe. "Oh so you think that it is this swords that makes me this powerful ehh?" I said as I showed him the swords and placed both if them at my back and punched him a very hot punch. He bled immediately after that punch. "You IDIOT. What have you Done!!" I said grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head back on the floor with a huge thud. He cried out in pain and the said "it seems that you are also that powerful." "Millions of people are going to die if you release that monster onto the world!!!" I began to punch him senselessly now. He just kept on laughing weakly and then said "It is done. It has been unleashed and I shall RULE!!!". "Not if you're dead." I replied him. I took out of my sword and just as I was about to stab him right in the heart, I heard someone's voice telling me to stop. I looked up at that time all the Demons and the Soul Assassins that where fighting stopped and looked at the direction the voice came. It was Stacy. (Thank God she is safe and all but what is she still doing here at the abyss. She's supposed to be at the surface by now). "STEVE STOP. WE NEED HIM!!" She yelled from a distance. "What?!" I said breathing heavily at that point.

The Legend Of The Soul Reaper: OriginDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora