History Of The Father

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I later on woke up and saw a man standing in front of me. Strangely, everything and everywhere is white except him with his blue clothes. I attempted to get up and I easily did without any pain(wait a minute. It doesn't sound right. I just a fight with Sava. My body can't just heal immediately like that. Or can it?) (Ahh yes talking about Sava. He did send me off a cliff into a lava. Does that mean....that I'm dead.) I went immediately towards the man but as I approached him, the guys distance from me kept on increasing and increasing. So I stopped. "Hey!" I shouted. "Who are you and what is this place?" I shouted again. "I'm I dead" I shouted again. "Calm down son. There's no need to shout I can here you." The man said. "Oh ok" I replied. "And no you are not dead...." The man said. I gave out a sigh which eased down the tension inside me. "But you are also not alive" The Man said again. "Wait what?" I said as I then laughed shortly and said "wha..what do you mean I'm not alive? What is this place?" "This my friend is the realm of souls. This is your kingdom." (Wait did he just say kingdom). "Excuse me but did you just say kingdom? Cause all I can see is the colour white. Nothing forward except you and the white and nothing backward! except white." I said. " Yes you heard me. I said kingdom. And it's your kingdom." The strange Man said. "Wait my kingdom. What kind of kingdom is this. No people, no guards no castle or even a building." I said. "Ahhh never expected it to be this hard! He is so difficult to talk to. Ok listen this is your Kingdom. This...is the realm of souls." The Strange Man said. "What!?" I said as I was surprised by the appearance of the place now. The place which was once a white void now became a huge beautiful city where almost everything in there is white, buildings, horses, roads, and other things. "Wow this is great!!!" I said with amazement. "Yes Henry. All the souls that you collected including the ones you've helped and saved and the ones you've served justice to are all here, seen, or over there." The Man said as he pointed to a very dark part in the Realm Of Souls. "You are a king and you don't even know." The Man said. "Who.....are you? And why did you call me Henry? My name is Steve." I asked him. "I'm your Uncle. And nope, your birth name isn't Steve it's Henry. Henry Blaze. And I am your Uncle James. Does that name sound familiar to you now?" He asked. I felt confused and surprised and said "yeah kinda. So wait. I have an uncle. But how do you know all this stuffs." I asked him. "Well let's just say that I'm the one running things around here while you're out in the world enjoying yourself and life." He said. "Well I'm not gonna lie you're doing a pretty good job." I said. "Yeah....thanks."he said. "You said on my behalf. What do you mean. And how come I have this powers? And y did I never know you?" I asked. " Listen Henry. When you were born, you weren't exactly born to normal parents alright. Yeah your mother was an ordinary human but then your father was something else. He was someone you called...the Ghost Rider. A good spirit been given by the Devil through a kind of contract you make with him and then he'll use you to do his dirty work and when you're done with his work, he takes it back from you so that you can leave a normal life again. But it all started when a man called Carter Slade decided to keep hold to the contract of San Venganza thereby keeping his powers until he found someone like him. That was no other person but Johnny Blaze. He too did good with his power. Saving the world from countless of threats of hell been unleashed on earth. He one day found this boy who had been already been marked as one of the sons of the devil. The devil was going to use the young guys body as his own since the body he was in was now old and failing him. Johnny Blaze helped stopped that attack alongside with the young boy who had powers. When he got older he changed his last name to the guy that tried to protect him from the devil. Blaze. So he had a kid which he two kids. One whom he made more powerful than even himself and the other which was left to be a normal child. That first kid which was the one with powers grew up to be a man. He found a very attractive woman. Whom later on had a Son for him. But the son he had didn't have the powers of the Ghost Rider but had powers more than the Ghost Rider himself. It was said that God bestowed the spirit of an Angel which was also once betrayed like that of the Ghost Rider into the baby boy. Your father had so many dreams. That of which everyone excluding him was killed and he did not want that. He thought that since two powerful beings lived in one place, it will attract enough Demons to try to get rid of the energy. So he had to live you in other to protect you. Eventually your mother whom couldn't live without your father's mistake left you to me in other for me to take care of you while she go search for your father's whereabouts. She believed that he was still in this world until she too disappeared and never came back. She left you this chain which had the symbol of an S and R." Uncle James said as he handed me the chain he had in his hand. I took it and wore it feeling downcast and shocked at what I was hearing. "I on the other hand was only an assassin. I didn't know anything about babies and you were just 8 months when the Demons attacked me. I killed a huge number of them but they injured me badly. I ran away with you and rushed you to the Assassin's school where I asked them to keep you safe. I later on returned to fight them but bled to death on my way home. I died on my sofa and have been watching over you since the heavenly Creator allowed me to do this job. There you have it. That's you're background story even though there is something still missing but it's not necessary for now." Uncle James concluded. "Wow so who has been watching over me while I was at the academy physically?" I asked "Your Assassin's principle. Principle Nathan was the one watching over you too." Uncle James said.(the principle was the one of all people watching over me daaaamn) "What was my father's name?" I asked. "Benedict Blaze." He answered. "And my Mother?" I asked again. "Clara Blaze." He answered again. "But I don't understand. What I'm i supposed to do uncle?" I asked him. "You are the one and only Soul Reaper. The guardian and keeper of the souls until Judgement day. The king of The Realm Of Souls. The one who was also destined for greatness just like your father and his ancestors. The only special being with the power of the Angel of Justice through death. You are the one that set aside the good and evil people of your world through your work. You are a hero to me. And I'm proud of how well you've grown up." Uncle James said. I smiled and said "Thanks Uncle. I appreciate that." "You're welcome.", He replied back. "Oh I almost forgot. You are about to wake up sooner than I expected. Remember who you are and never give up. Unlike me I wasn't an Immortal So i died but you are different. So go on, save your wife, correct the wrong and the evil doer, bring back the justice that the city deserves. Also remember. You should always be truthful and honest to your wife." Uncle James said smiling. "Wait what? Immortal? What are you....." I said as I was interrupted by my uncle. "Enough of the questions boy. Good bye Nephew." He said as all of a sudden I was drifted backwards and then the same void appeared again. I kept on going backwards with an incredible speed like as if a strong attracting human magnet was attracting me. Then suddenly everything stopped and went went forward far much faster than the way I went backwards. So fast to the point I had to shout until a large bright white light appeared and then.................I woke up.

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