The New Form of Delila

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"Ah yes your wife. Always the peace maker" Sava said. "Shut the hell up!" I said. "Why do we need him?" I asked. "Because even he hasn't seen the demon he unleashed and maybe only both of you can stop him." She said. "Now Why Would I Want To Help You!" Sava yelled. "I said SHUT UP!!" I shouted giving him another punch on his face. "BECAUSE YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE YOU IDIOT! AND SHE'S GONNA HELP YOU GUYS FIGHT THAT DEMON ALONGSIDE WITH STEVE. YOU WOULDN'T WANT HER TO DIE FOR THE SECOND TIME WOULD U ?" She shouted. "Are you serious?! That's the lamest excuse anyone could come with. Delila is gone. I have no one. Try to consider the possibilities next time before you consider trying to get someone to help you." Sava said as he smiled and looked at me. "You are no doubt the dumbest guy I have ever seen in my entire life!!" I said as I got up him and began to walk towards Stacy. Then Delila came out of the dark and appeared. "Oh and by the way your husband's name is Henry and not Steve. He too just recently found out." Delila said winking at Stacy who seems confused at what Delila just told her. Delila came near me as I held her left hand since she was focused on Sava and whispered in her ears saying "hey. Thanks for helping me and taking care of my wife. I owe you a lot this time." She then looked at me and smiled as I left her left hand and she headed for Sava. I turn around and looked at her heading to Sava with anger. While Sava was shocked really shocked at the site of his beloved girlfriend which he murdered a long time ago. "Delila?! Is....that you!" Sava struggled to get out of the place he landed. I went straight for my wife Stacy. We immediately hugged each other when we became close to each other. "Thank God you're alright. Are you alright?" I asked Stacy. She just cried and hugged me tighter saying. "I thought you were dead. I saw you falling. Sava said no one would survive that. But here you are. *sniff* I just thank God that you're ok." "Listen honey. Nothing is going to stop me from coming back to you. Not even death. No matter where you are. I'll be there watching you. Ok? No need to worry about me" I said kissing her cheeks. As we both look at Sava said Delila. Delila walks over to him and punches him right at the jaw. He felt it knowing that Delila was real. He turned around looking at Delila who had tears coming down her eyes. "You're alive!" Sava said confidently. She continues to beat Sava with every weak power she has as she eventually gave in and rub the tears of her eyes and slapped Sava one horrible slap. Sava on the other hand didn't do anything. He just stood there in a sad way. "Don't you ever come near me!! Never!!!" She said crying as she left him and came towards us. "Wow she kicked the crap out of him and he didn't do anything." Stacy said. "Yeah. Cause he still loves her that's why." I said. "About that Henry name. Where did you get that name from?" Stacy asked. "Well while I passed out. I met my uncle who is dead but explained some family history and also he told me my name. My father was called Blaze. So I'm Henry Blaze" I said smile. "Blaze like fire" she asked smiling. I looked at her and smile "yeah.... blaze like fire." Just then the demons that where the allies of Sava began to attack him and everyone else. "Looks like the Demon he unleashed has commanded them to kill him!" I said as a demon came towards me and Stacy as I pointed my right hand palm towards him and out came a large light which scattered it to pieces. Both me and Stacy looked amaze at what I did. "Well!!?" Stacy said excitedly. "Well what?" I asked. "Go help Sava before they kill him." She said. "Look he's doing alright" I said as Sava formed a sword with his fire power and was slicing all the Demons that attacked him. "Henry!!!!" Stacy said. I looked at her. "Help him!!!" She insisted. "Fine." I said "But first let's get you somewhere safe." I said as I held her waist. I then teleported up to the surface and honestly it was a disaster. I hid her in a place I knew that the creature would not go to and try to destroy. "I'll be back for you. Stay here ok?" I said. Stacy nodded and said "Take care." as I left her then teleported back to the abyss. A Demon was about claw the back of Sava when I cutted it into two with my sword. Sava turned around and looked at me then looked down at the demon and then smiled. "Seems like we'll have to fight our last battle side by side this time." He said. "Yeah I guess we'll have to fight side by side to clean up the mess that you did. Although I kinda enjoyed beating the hell out of you!" I said. Suddenly the Demons started to attack Delila. Delila became pissed and then a black explosion happened killing every single demon around her as her appearance totally changed. She had a white Sai in her hands. Her suit was black with black stripes on it. Her eyes was filled with dark rage. Other demons attacked her but she killed them all just by teleporting to each one of them and cutting their heads off. Then a big fat giant Demon came. "*Laughing* I am going to destroy you!!" The fat giant Demon said. "Well... I guess you'll not to be able to mate when I'm done with you. Naughty Demon" Delila said with a seductive voice. The demon then laughed and headed forward for Delila. "Did she just say that Demon wouldn't be able to mate again. And called him naughty?" Sava asked. "Yeah. I don't know what happened to your lady but she said that too comfortable for my liking." I said. "I believe the word your looking for is seductive. And she looks way hotter in this form" Sava said. Suddenly there was a loud Sai sound and something heavy dropping on the floor. "OHHHH MY GOD!!!! OHHHH!!!! that's painful!!" I shouted in terror as Sava turned around and saw what happened. Delila had just finished cutting off both the private parts of the fat demon and the heavy sound was both of them dropping on the floor. Sava looked at the scene and looked at Delila. This isn't Delila. She only goes for the head. WHO ARE YOU!!? Sava shouted. The black eyes turned to us and then puff she disappeared and appeared in front of Sava. "Call me.... Shadow.

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