Back From The Dead. Delila Jones.

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She removed her mask and finally revealed her face to me. After having that outstanding shock, I then realized the reason why I knew her voice. It was Delila Jones. The one and only girlfriend of Sava Demrico (but she supposed to be dead. And what is she doing in here.) "What...the..fur...! I said in an atonished way as she interrupted me saying "I know, I know  Doomsday it's me.( She called me Doomsday because of a suggestion I made when we where going. The plan could have killed us all and they didn't acknowledge it anyway but she decided to just use that to give me the nickname.) And please don't freak out. I can explain." She said. "Yeah, sure. I'm listening." I said confidently. "Cause I'm about to crawl my way outta here or possibly very possibly take this rock and hit you on head with it." I said. "Hey Doomsday relax. You can't even walk. And I'm quite sure that you will not get out of this injury. Cause this might be your last moment so choose your words wisely!" Delila said. (Yeah that's her. Always thinking of the negative). "So it is you!!! Oh my I'm so glad to see you!" I said smiling. "Wait what? How where you convinced that it was me." She asked in a surprised tone. "Well.....your negative behavior of always talking about the worst that can happen in a situation....... and also the desire for me to die. " I said smiling while looking at her. "Heyyy I don't have a negative attitude!!" She said as she bent down and smacked my forehead. "Ouch!! I'm not fully healed yet alright so take it easy with the treatment. Can't say how long I'll last with her treatment before I die so....." I said in a quiet tone. "What did you say?!!" She asked loudly. "Nothing!" I responded. "That's better. Thought I heard you say something" she said angrily.(well, I guess I wasn't quiet enough for her not to hear me). "Anyway you wanted to explain to me how come you are still alive!" I said. "Oh sure  but first tell me. Is Sava still alive? And how did you end down here anyway. What are you doing here?" She said. I looked at her with anger after she asked me about Sava. "Are you SERIOUSLY! kidding me right now?" I asked. She nodded as a no with an embarrassed look on her face. "You have the guts to tell ask me about Sava? Ok then let's do a quick recap alright. Sava kills you by sacrificing you in order to get powers like I do. He becomes mean and evil after your death. He kills a lot of people for fun or to send a message to me. He's CURRENTLY PLANNING on destroying the world and ruling it all by himself with the help of the Demons of this place. He has my Wife and that is the only reason I'm down here in the first place. He has also tried to kill me and I'm still somehow alive. Do u want me to continue or should I stop there!!!" I answered her angrily. "Ok sorry. Look I didn't know that you had a wife already. At this age. And I didn't know that guy up there was Sava. Listen when you fell, I recognized you from your face. I would never miss your kind of face. So i saved you before you could've even touched the lava and brought you here. I'm sorry." She said. I looked at her and then calmed down and said "hey it's ok. I guess I too must have over reacted. I'm sorry too." I said. I then smiled at her and she also smiled back at me. "It's good to see you again Delila." I said confidently with a smile. "Likewise!!........ Soul Reaper." She also smiled. "Hey you called my name!!" I said. "Whatever Doomsday" she said flinging her left hands a little bit. "So how long have I been out?" I asked her. "Approximately 3 days." She replied as if it was nothing. "3 DAYS!!!" I shouted. "Yeah" she said. "And you think it's nothing." I said. "Ofcourse it's nothing. People go months before they even wake up. Besides all of this is your fault you know." She said. "WHAT?" I shouted. "Well yes. If you didn't inspire him with your powers, all this wouldn't have happened. She said. I became uneasy now even though I can't even sit. "Wait you know what.....wait ok!? Are you blaming me ?" I said. "Yes I am." She responded. "Ok. If that's the case why didn't you just fight him when he tried to kill you huh. You're an assassin he's an assassin. Why didn't you just drop a grenade and blow yourself up along with him before he sacrificed you huh? So don't come blaming this disaster on me cause you also had something to do with the end of the world." I said. "I was caught off guard you MORON!!!" She said. (Usually all this is normal. Our whole friendship started with arguing so I'm used to it) "Well at least you could have pulled out a knife from your pants and could have sent it at his heart or his head" I said. "WOULD YOU LET ME EXPLAIN?!" She yelled. "Ok ok fine go on." I said calmly. "First of all which girl goes around hiding a secret knife in her pants?"she asked. "Well you. Cause I can see the shape of a knife through your suit right now as  you are standing right ON TOP OF ME!!" I shouted at the end of the sentence. "Hmm sharp eyes." She said. "Thank you. Now may you please go on with your explanation." I said in a tired way. "Ok here I go. We went for a stroll and he wanted both of us to go and eat in a restaurant. He was young. I was young and he knew that if I drank too much water I'll use the bathroom more frequently. So we drank and ate some food he bought until I felt like using the toilet. When I went to the bathroom. He must've put inside my drink some strong sleeping tablet that could make someone sleep for days. I came and sat down. And later on drank it. After about 15 minutes I felt sleepy. I told him that i wanted to go home. We then left the restaurant and I must've fallen asleep along the way. Later on I woke up and saw myself in the abyss. The place we all are today. He then told me the truth while shedding tears. I tried my best to escape but it was useless. I was already tired up and then sent down from the floating land down here. The Demons down here rushed on my body tearing the rope and then my body. Piece by piece. The pain......was unbearable. All of sudden I stopped breathing then blacked out and I suddenly woke up and found a guy name James. He claimed to be your Uncle and he was ruling a kingdom for you something like that. I then asked him if I was dead. He said that I should be by now but because of my close relationship with you I was there at that moment. I was in the realm of souls. He told me that I didn't have a body but he could send me back into another body but I declined. He then said that God alone can create a perfect person and it's only him that gives power to Men. But all of a sudden, I could see a new shadowy body been formed to my shape. I realized that God did give me a second chance. So I was sent into this mystical body as it transformed from a shadow into a life body. Well I covered myself since I was..... you know......naked. But the power I felt coming out of my body felt so good. Then your Uncle approached me and said that God has given me a second chance. But he needs me to tell you this and I should not forget it. It goes like this. The power of the Soul Reaper is no joke. It can bring back souls of old and new as long as you think of them and focus your energy. Souls of the past Assassins are always waiting for the time someone would bring them up to a physical fight against the Demons that killed them. Now I need you to master your powers very well. Push yourself to the limit. Stop meaningless crimes and give out Justice. There are numerous Wars that are coming So you need to be strong. Stronger than the enemy that attacks you. Fighting Spirit with Spirit. And don't forget. You have one of the greatest powers in history if not the greatest of all time. Use it wisely. And then I disappeared. And appeared. As a shadow. And I came back with a new clothes. So here you are. Lying in my home in the abyss. I eventually grew up here everyday. Killing every single demon around this area until they became scarce and hard to see too. Except at nights though. It becomes very dangerous so I try my best to hide. After jumping from rock and grabbing your falling body, I treated you and laid you to rest right here........ And I removed your clothes but don't worry I left your trousers on." She said as I looked at my trousers and then laid my head back down gently. "How much time do I have before I could walk again?" I asked her. "Hmmm maybe 6 more days. I guess." Delila said. "Ok then." I said. Delila looks at me with a serious expression on her face. I gave out a sigh and tiredly said "what is it?" "Are you forgetting to say something?" She asked me. "Oh yeah. Thanks for saving my life." I said to her as the expression on her face disappeared. "And aren't you also forgetting something?" I asked her smiling. She looked at me smiling obviously knowing what exactly I meant. "Hmmm nope. Except if you want me to say that you look a little bit cute now when you're older." She said smiling. "Really? Oh so now that's how you gonna play it huh?!"I said. "Play what? I don't know what you are talking about?" She said pretending to not know what I'm talking about and smiling. "Heyy that's not fair. I told you thank you and I don't deserve a thank you from you?" I said. "Thank you for what!?" She said. "For being the main reason of why you are still here psycho." I responded. "Hmm ok." She said. "So I'm i going to get my thank you." I said as she began to leave "Nope!!" She said as she transformed into her shadowy form and turned around and looked at me saying "pretty cool huh?"  And leaves without a trace or even a sight of her again. "HEY!!, HEY!!, THIS TOPIC AIN'T OVER YET. Ughh you little PSYCHO!" I shouted before giving it a rest and going back to sleep.

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